Chapter 18

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(Reapers POV)

Killer and Horror tale sans where throwing attacks at us quickly Error just sat there on his strings watching Obviously he didn't want to hurt ink I new that he secretly loved him but he was in fact on the others side and couldn't hurt them or he would risk his position with nightmares team.

I slashed a sharpened bone in half with my scythe I just pray that Genos alright.

(genos POV)

This kid is faster then my worlds chara I wont have a chance at all I breathed heavily exhausted "History repeats its self Genocide" She smirked gleefully I sneared at her "Yeah but it will end up with you Dead" She just giggled and aimed her scythe closer to me catching the end of my scarf. I gasped That scarf was my most precious item If i can summon enough magic to send what ever timeline classic sans this is hear He can help and i would hopefully have a advantage I focused but when i snapped my fingers no one came 'Come on geno focus" i muttered to my self sending gaster blasters at Reaper tale Chara. I closed my eyes feeling any defense magic drain from me as tiredness washed over me "Uh oh Looks like Your time is up Geno"

"Ill see you in hell!"

I waited for the blade to plummet down shattering the remaing part of my soul but what i heard was metal hitting metal I opend my eyes to see who rescued me It was Reaper already looking slight batterd up from the previous fight But yet he wore that smug little grin and this Chara wined in disapproval "Not you again!" He chuckled darkly It was not the care free laugh i was used to this laugh was a monstrous thing that none other then Death its self could muster.

(No ones POV)

The God and Demon fought in to a battle of wits and strength Death being the one who prevails leaving the once innocent sweet child that turned in to a murderer speechless as her scythe was knocked out of hand. "So this is it huh? Your finally gonna finish you job" she spat angrily "I am the god of Death so might as well brat" The Child laughed sarcastically "Oh but i have a trick up my sleeve dose the goddess of life sound familiar to you?" she smirked evilly Death growled in annoyance "I dont have time for your silly little games demon" he spoke through gritted teeth She laugh before replying nonchalantly "I wouldn't be talking like that When was the last time you went to our AU? huh or has that Red scarf wearing skeleton kept you from visiting?" Reaper narrowed his eye light in to a slit "What about life" he spat "Go see for your self." and with one last giggle she vanished leaving her haunted laugh to echo in the void .

(Reapers POV) 

I was at loss of words "It could be a trap" whispered the skeleton behind me "I know" i replied sternly grabbing my scythe that was stolen making both weapons vanish to later be summoned "Will you still go" Genos voice sounded delicate and child like as he was worn out from his battle "I must i have to see if lifes okay if any of them are okay, Im sorry geno i must go."

(Genos POV)

Im coming with you I grabbed Reapers hand after i shakily stood up  he gave me a long look that was unreadable "Fine but only because i dont want you to die." he said in defeat as we traveled to Reaper tale.

When we finally made it something wasnt right and Reaper obviously sensed it letting go of my hand and rushing to the sanctuary I trailed after him stopping when i saw him crouched down at something "Reaper...?" i asked I felt darkness surround both of us it was suffocating. The sky was a bleak grey color and the once life bustling forest was now decaying The leaves shriveling up in to dust. "Reaper?" i tried again more confidently He gripped his fists before I felt the sharp blade of a scythe press at my neck "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" he yelled I was shocked glancing behind him seeing the pile of monster dust I shook in fear keeping a close eye on the blade when i met Reapers gaze It was piercing His blue eye glowed fiercely "i- i" it felt like any words i tried to make got caught in my throat I breathed heavily before Reaper whirled around "WHAT!" i realized frisk who had bin crying had a fearful look as she backed up from the god She signed something to him But he shook his head eyes shut tight.

It broke my soul seeing reaper so upset how mad he was at me The kid signed more stuff Before Reaper sighed shakily the darkness subsiding just slightly before his white eye was back "Im sorry geno I should have yelled at you" i nodded in understanding.

(Reapers POV) 

Its all my fault shes dead i should have bin there i should have killed that brat when i had the chance i should have reaper her soul! i- I felt the embrace of Geno making me feel at ease as calmness washed over me like  a ocean wave I looked at the kid <I'am sorry i couldn't protect her> Frisk gestured upset I nodded weakly Life was my closest friend and now that shes gone the balance has shifted drastically and no doubt the other gods will be pulling the blame on me or my brother since Death is the only one that can Reaper Life.

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