Chapter 13

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(Genos POV)

"So Your like the protector of hopes and dreams?" i asked the new comer he nodded happiness radiating off of him "Exactly that im one of the protectors" i nodded thoughtfully "Interesting do you visit hear often?" he shrugged "Sometimes this Au dosnt need my help since its always almost happy" "yeah i wouldn't think you would have to" Then Dream froze and frowned for the first time since hes got hear "Somethings wrong.." he said looking at the ground I tilted my head confused "What?" he flinched "We have to go." He instantly sat up from the table being even more confused i followed Somewhere along the way others joined us obviously telling something wasn't right,I mean i could tell now too Its like a certain coolness in the air that seems oddly familiar.

"HEY!" Undyne called out to the dark figure who was kneeld down at a pile of Dust,They turned around slowly "oh my gosh" i whispered under my breath,He scanned our faces quickly before replying calmly "Its not what it looks like,I was doing my job the kids name was on the list i was handed so i Reaped him."  he held eye contact with undyne whos rage was growing as realization kicked in "And HOW do i know that???" she stepped forward Reaper didn't even flinch she continued to stomp towards him about ready to punch him before he replied nonchalantly "I wouldn't advise that. i mean if you want to die then sure." she stopped thinking about her choices before defeatedly lowering her fist She turned back to us "He didn't murder him he would have killed us or ran" I glared at the God of Death angrily before a soothing hand rested on my arm Dream was trying to calm me down obviously sensing my feelings.

I breathed in a shaky breath before relaxing slightly "Do you know who did it Reaper?" asked HT sans. "I have my guesses but dosnt HT alphys have cameras?" he guested to the shiny object hidden in the bush "Fine Geno,Dream,and sans Take Reaper to the lab to see who done this me and papyrus will warn asgore." i scoffed slightly before grudgingly following HT sans.

"Wouldn't it be easier to teleport?" Reaper asked HT sans Shrugged "Might be but no thanks" Dream edged a bit closer to Reaper and started chatting with him,Reaper shrugged a bit or nodded or shook his head not really answering verbally. Dream then edged back to me "I cant sense any happiness in him at all" Dream frowned he was very distraught about this information I shrugged not caring for that dumb skeleton "Geno if i may ask why do you feel such negative emotions towards him?" "Because hes a$$hole and played with my feelings towards him." i spat angrily. Dream fell silent before realizing "Well do you know why he did it?" I shook my head "Because hes selfish he wanted to see how i lived past Death" "Ask again geno maybe he was lying perhaps he was protecting you from something? Theres two sides to every story Geno you should know that better then anyone hear."

(Reapers POV)

"Hi im Dream!" spoke the smaller skeleton who was beaming with happiness i shrugged " Your from Reapertale ive heard The god of Death?" i nodded giving a bored expression Dream begin chattering to me I wasn't paying attention really i looked at geno slightly he was watching us with interest My soul skipped a beat slightly as i watched him "Uh Reaper?" I looked back at Dream who smiled smugly at me now "you like him dont you?" i looked to the side and shook my head "Uh yeah you do Reaper,Its obvious" when i didnt reply he sighed "Come one Reaper you should ask him" "I cant cause he hates me" i hurried my pace slightly to get rid of the skeleton and his intoxicating happiness I glanced to the side when all was quite Now Dream and geno where speaking in hushed voices i glared at the ground angrily.

"We have arrived!" spoke HT sans "Finally i grumbled" We stepped in HT alphys was hurrying around panic struck on her face "T-there  y-y-you guys a-are." "Hey Al Did you see what happens on camera 9?" she nodded tearing pricking in the corner of her eyes "i-it w-was h-hard t-to w-watch" "Can i see the clip?" i asked she flinched noticing i was hear. She nodded "s-sure i-i g-guess"

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