Chapter 16

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(Reapers POV)

Taping my foot impatiently We all stared at ink as he scanned through  the multiverse Each slip of paper came with slight images showcasing each AU.

Geno was the first to break the silence "Whats this?" he asked pointing out flash of images on the far side of the wall Inks eye lights shifted different colors as he was deep in thought before he replied plainly "Those are time lines" Geno tilted his head "Like in a pasific Au?" Ink shook his head and walked over Dream and blue stayed bye the floating papers scanning for something Ink brought the images flashing a bit bigger so we can see it better "These are different Time lines going on as we speak These are have  different but the same versions of us in them." "Oh gosh more confusing stuff" i spoke sarcastically shaking my head.

 Ink chuckled while geno Looked puzzled "I still dont know what you mean" Ink sighed "Well you see theirs a timeline where theirs vampires or another one where theirs kingdoms at war,one thats plagued with sickness or even one thats exactly the same as ours but different choices" Images of those timelines flashed by scenes on whats apparently happening at this moment  time lines flashed by rapidly. Geno looked down "Huh so theres a timeline where im happy in my Au" Ink nodded "Yep! like i said theres a infinite possibilities" we fell silent watching it like it was a movie before Blue yelled excitedly "FOUND IT!" we all rushed over Blue pointed to a slip of paper named 

"Anti VOID"

Ink studied the slip before saying "alright lets go."

Next thing i know where stood in a even emptier void this was different from Genos save screen it was pure white not even a screen in it I breathed slowly to calm my self even though i felt like some one was watching us. Ink scanned around paint brush at the ready while dream summoned a bow and arrow I looked up and saw the first sign of color blue strings along with puppet versions of Different sanses from Aus where stung along the ceiling "Huh-" "WeLl wElL" We all turned around to see error dangling from his blue strings lazily with a smug look Ink visibly relaxed i gave him a knowing look and he shoved  me jokingly before stepping forward. he couldn't die because he necessarily created my Au so death touch dose not affect him. "Do you know what happend to haven tale?" he said attempting to use  a threatening tone Errors grin widend "oH tHaT AmBoMiNaTiOn? YeS I KnOw" Ink folded his arms "Did you do it??" Error snorted "Oh I WiSh, ThErE WaS'Nt EvEn a FRACTION oF ThE CoDE LeFt!" Ink looked taken a back "You..Didnt do it?" He shook his head before sighing and jumping to the floor walking toward the artist towering over him "NoW WhY wOuLd I Do ThAt DiDnt I MaKe A PrOmisE?" Ink shrugged before looking at the ground flustered slightly "Do you know who did?" he shrugged locking eyes with me "I HaVe My GuEsSeS" why did he look at me i wouldn't know.I felt a tug at my sleeve and i looked at Geno he seemed worried and on edge "somethings terribly wrong" he whispered harshly fear in his voice i gave him a confused look "Huh?" he glanced around "I dont know but i just have this feeling that-" there was the sound of a gaster blaster getting ready to fire Tugging geno harshly we just barley avoided it Landing on the ground i looked back wide eyed i never thought i would... I have to get Geno out of hear!.

(Genos POV)

OW! oh my gosh im gonna kill Reaper... I rubbed my skull and looked at Reaper who looked like he had seen a ghost "LOOK OUT!" i heard Dream yell from somewhere but my vision was dizzy and blury spinning wildly i noticed when i fell The necklace came off. I lunged for it hoping for my fingers to touch the smooth surface of the stone i felt my shard of a soul start cracking Pulling it back on hastily  i breathed heavily Before i felt my self being tugged on the arm along with a portal opening. I felt my self falling briefly the bright light shifting to darkness before i hit the ground hard again along with hearing a portal closing not before i heard another blaster noise.

I breathed breathless on my back for a moment trying to process what was happening I sat up I was in the save screen... The all to familiar empty feeling it brought was overwhelming before i head a voice i know to well. 

"Greetings Gen o."

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