Chapter 20

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(Reapers POV)
I couldn't help but laugh "I'm sorry what?" Asgore was dead serious "reaper I will not ask again" a bit shocked I left geno and walked calmly over taking a seat so now I was right in the Center of the room. This seat is meant for criminals and I'm definitely not one.

"Let us begin our trial Reaper where where you these past few days?" I tried not to sound ticked off because I already said "I was helping the creator with a problem,Then something came up.A fight where that murdering genocidal Child tried to attack me in the void" I said narrowing my eye socket "So I don't know why where sat hear blabbering over something so mad when we should be hunting down the True murderer of the Queen."

There was soft murmurs before asgore spoke "Do you have proof?" I Turned to frisk "She saw what happend" everyone seemed a bit shocked no ones seen the demi goddess Since she went with life for protection Frisk stepped forward and signed <Reaper speaks the truth, Chara she came to life's sanctuary and killed her using Reapers stolen scythe he was never there in the Au at the time she was killed> when she finished signing Asgore stared at the child she was the youngest out of everyone Hear so even when she was with us no one took her seriously they never let he attend these meetings waiting until she was a few hundred years older. Maybe that was part of the reasons she left.

"I will take that in to consideration how ever Reaper we can't ignore the fact it was ur weapon your careless actions have ultimately cause the death of our queen" "It was you job to reap Charas soul it was your scythe she stole it was all due to your incompetence.The Same thing could happen to this one" he gestured to Geno who looked frightened "We have only left you with minor slaps on the wrist but your actions can,Will leave us to dispare the Blanca's has shifted and the only way for it to tip up once again is to get rid of the evil in this realm.There was only supposed to be one god of death."

"What are you saying" I said staring at the ground trying to process "We where gonna chose you over your brother yes you don't do your job as often as we like but your powerful and merciless,Your painful death. How ever with great power comes with great responsibility and it's clear ur have none" I sneaked a glance at my brother "Reaper the God of Death you will be terminated along with your little group until then you have to prove your gonna be a god worth while there will a out cast period for a bit until the final decision is made for your sentence."

I gritted my teeth but nodded making my face blank "Yes king Asgore" before I left striding out I heard geno say something but I couldn't care less I was angry feeling my power consume me the darkness felt safe when I came back to my senses it was pouring it down and where I stopped the greenery was dust everything was grey. I don't know how long I stood there in the rain but I heard foot steps coming closer "Reaper?" Whisperd geno softly I couldn't reply no words where coming to mind for me to say even though I felt like I could say a whole lot to him.

"Reaper are you okay? Please let's go some where sheltered it's cold and rainy and....bleak" geno must have saw the surroundings he must have saw what my power could do and for the first time since I met him I could tell he felt fear.

Thunder rumbled some where in the distance "Come on Reaps let's go" he grabbed my hand and started pulling me I obliged letting my self be dragged away by him we came across a old temple that we don't use anymore but we according to geno are to far from anywhere else.

We where both silent watching the rain batterd down on the dead ground I hugged my knees close to my chest trying to let heat seep back in to me but of course there was no warmth only cold piercing icy cold, The cold and the darkness I managed to speak "Geno I think I've come to terms with what Iam.Im not a normal person like you,I never was like you I'm not like any sans. I am The god of death and I should act like it"

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