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Draco slowed to a walk as he approached his apartment building. He felt numb and empty.

What the fuck just happened? Did he really almost get raped by one of his childhood friends? Was he really just saved by another childhood friend?

Draco dreaded to think what would have happened if Theo hadn't grown the balls he had and stood against Blaise. Theo had always been Draco and Blaise's bumboy.

Out of the three of them, Theo was the pretty boy, the romantic, the charmer, the soft hearted one. Draco was the leader, the mischievous one, the seductive joker. Blaise was the brawn, the intimidator, the scary one. Theo never stood a chance against the other two.

Draco thought back to the incident. Theo was a good man. He helped Draco. Even when all he saw was a muggle-born. That muggle-born was Hermione.

Inside the elevator, Draco thought about Hermione and his eyes widened in rage. What if Hermione had been in her own body at that time? How scared she would have been? How shaken up she'd be. She would carry something like that with her for life and all because why? Because she was born of parents who were non magic? A fate she had absolutely no control over?

Seemed like a shitty deal to him.

Draco then realized as the lift opened that anybody could have been fated to have non magic parents.

Even him.

He unlocked the door and walked inside.

Hermione was standing in the dining room clearing her dishes, no doubt from the dinner she'd just ate.

She took one look at Draco and her expression hardened.

Her eyes travelled down to his ripped baby blue blouse and her face distorted into a pained, hurt and mortified look. Dropping her plate, she ran from the room and slammed her bedroom door, locking it behind her.

Draco bolted down the hallway after her.

"Granger! Granger wait! It's not what it looks like! Please I'm sorry! Open the door!"  Draco pounded on the locked door.

"Just stay the fuck away from me Malfoy!" Hermione yelled between sobs.

Draco banged on the door furiously. "No! I won't! Please! Just hear me out! You can hate me all you want after I've spoken. Just..." He trailed off. "I'm really sorry."

Hermione cried louder. "Go away, I don't want to know what you did."

"I didn't do anything! I swear!" Draco sighed and slid down the closed door. "I just want to know what I did to make you hate me."

He leaned on the door with his eyes closed. The door whipped open and Draco found himself lying on the ground in Hermione's bedroom.

"You want to know what you did?? What you did?" Hermione glared daggers at Draco. "You did nothing! I just hate you." She spat. "Who you are! What you stand for! Everything about you! Your mentality on muggle-borns, your arrogant nature, your pompous arse parents! Everything!" She stood waiting for his reply.

Draco blinked a few times before sitting up. She did not just speak ill against his parents! Then again, didn't he do that to her every time he called her mudblood?

"Hermione I-"

"I DON'T CARE! DONT YOU GET IT YET? I. DONT. CARE!" Tears streamed down her face.

"I DO!" Draco yelled back. "I do care! I care what you think! I care how you feel! I-" he stopped there. He didn't know what the rest of that sentence was.

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