Part I: Welcome Back

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| Hey guys, this idea has been lingering around in my head for so long now so I just had to get it out of my system! I own nothing except my original characters|

•JANUARY 3 1986•

The wind whipped against her skin as she ran through the forest, her father pulling her along so fast she was almost swept off the ground.

"Bluebird you need to run" he panted, as the young girl nearly tripped over her own feet trying to keep up with him.

"Wait" she begged, gasping for air "daddy I'm trying"

the sound of wands crashed in the air, and spells cracked against the sky like lighting in the distance.

The mans face was laced with panic, and determination.

"We're almost there" he breathed, lifting the girl into his arms in one swift motion.

She gasped at the sudden movement and held onto him as he sprinted through the clearing of the forest, suddenly exposed and out in the open.

The manor spread out in front of them was magnificent in size, but was clearly unused due to the vines sprawling up the wall, and how tinged with age the home was.

"Why are we here?" the girl asked, confused as to why they were in such a place.

He looked around, as if making sure they were alone before jogging across the courtyard, the child still in his arms.

"don't make a sound" he said, barely above a whisper, "this place is riddled in charms"

The manor had been in the mans family for centuries, but no family member had occupied it for decades, thus the security measures.

He set her down, and uttered "alohomora" , breaking the lock on the cellar door in front of him.

he started down the stairs, taking the girls hand and leading her down with him.

"Daddy" she whimpered "I'm scared"

He squeezed her hand, still leading her through the darkness, "it's okay bluebird, I'm here"

"Lumos" he muttered, trying to stay quiet.

A burst of light shot from his wand illuminizing the room, revealing plastic covered furniture and various family portraits littering the walls, some featuring the man as a small child.

His eyes landed on a table in the centre of the room, and he hurried the child towards it, before lifting her up and laying her down.

"Wha-" she said in shock, "w-what are you doing"

"Trust me" he started, "I'm going to keep you safe"

she nodded her head, and the mans eyes began to gather with tears.

"Promise that no matter what happens you know I love you, alright?" The man asked, his voice choking up.

The girl nodded her head once again, avoiding using words in fear of crying herself at the sight of her father upset.

For she was too young to truly understand what was going on, all she knew was that she was in danger, as was her father, and that some of the people around her were no longer here.

"I won't be long bluebird I promise, I'm going to come back to get you as soon as it's safe, it won't be long- I promise" he smiled down at her, caressing her cheek before grasping her, and kissing her forehead.

As the hug lingered she brought herself up to her fathers ear, "I love you daddy"

The man let her go and caressed her face one last time.

"I need you to close your eyes okay?" She did what she was told, "I love you Carina"

She clutched the locket around her neck, and with the sound of fighting drawing closer and closer, the last thing Carina heard was her father casting an invisibility charm, followed by...

"immobulus" leaving his lips barely above a whisper.

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