chapter eleven | a meeting of sorts

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"Albus your foot is quite literally up my arse"

"Malfoy GET OFF ME"

"Rosie your hand is on my neck"

"I reckon we screwed this one up James"

"I'd have to agree with you there Freddie"

the eight teenagers landed in a heap on the floor- a messy pile of mismatched and intertwined limbs.

"Bloody hell where are we?" Della asked, looking around the room, and Scorpius shook his head.

"No clue- it kinda looks like Al's house"

"I think I'd recognize my own house mate- my mum would never decorate a room with faces on the wallpaper" Al scoffed, tracing his fingers along the tapestry lining the four walls of the room.

"Dom are you alright?"

"You're going to cause a scene" the girl answered, whispering to her cousin.

"I bloody landed on top of you Dom- you need to go to a healer wh-"

"Freddie enough! I knew I shouldn't have told you any-"

"I'm just trying to help you!" He answered, exasperated with the girls lack of concern.

"You two alright over there?" James asked, eyeing his two cousins- and best mates suspiciously, and they nodded rejoining the group.

Rose was fuming,

"James I COULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW" the girl seethed, and attempted to lunge at her cousin- who dodged out of the way as Albus grabbed Rose by the arms, pulling her back.

"Merlin Rosie it was an accident!" He said, hiding behind Fred,

"How on earth did you get a time turner?! And why on earth would you use it!"

Rose never got an answer,

"Carina? Carina are you alright?" Scorpius asked, and he dropped to the ground next to his cousin, waving his hands over her face.

"Guys there's something wrong with her!" He pleaded to the group, and Rose quickly dropped to her knees and joined them,

"Carina what is it? What's wrong?"

James face dropped, "I- I only meant to-"

"Guys" Cordelia interrupted, and everyone turned to look at her and Al over by the wall,

"Bloody hell Scorpius is that your dad?"

Sure enough Albus was pointing to a face on the wall- a face that eerily looked identical to Scorpius, only underneath his face was etched the words 'Draco Malfoy 1981-'

"Oh my god" Rose said, standing up quite abruptly- before pointing at the wall, and every head turned,

There, only a few rows down from Scorpius' father- there was another face they recognized, well not quite, seeing as though what had been its face was scorched- a black soot stain taking its place.

What was visible was it's owners name,

'Sirius Black 1959-'

"Do you know what this means?"


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