chapter five | the burrow

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SHE WAS RUNNING. her father not far ahead of her, though she was struggling to keep up.

"You need to run faster bluebird!"

"Daddy" she sobbed, "I'm trying"

"Carina it's o-"

He was cut off by a man stepping out from behind a tree and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"DADDY MOVE!" she screamed, but it was too late, a streak of green left the mans wand and landed straight through her father, and he fell to the ground limp.

Carina shot up in bed and grasped at her surroundings.

That wasn't real.

It was just a dream.

the door to her room opened, startling her,

"Oh dear you're awake! Come along now get dressed breakfast is ready" her aunt said, too cheery for this early in the morning.

She nodded, and ran her fingers through her dark hair,

You have got to get a grip.

She got out of bed and changed out of the pajamas Victoire had given her- they had snitches on them!

it was odd for her- looking through her new clothes, style hadn't changed too much but it was definitely more modern and closer to muggle wear than it was thirty years ago- especially considering as a pureblood they tended to dress more traditional.

She threw on a pair of jean shorts and a pink tank top with lace straps, along with a black zip up sweater in case there was a draft.

Carina was surprised when she walked into the kitchen, Teddy was there- eating his breakfast, though her aunt was fussing over a box of what looked to be books on the ground.

"Morning Carina!" Teddy chirped- his mouth full of bacon,

"Morning" she answered and sat across from him at the small mahogany table.

"What are you doing auntie Andy?" She asked, piling food onto her plate,

"Oh dear I didn't notice you walk in! Today we're going to go to Diagon Alley to get you school supplies- but I figured you could just use Teddys old books- it would save us time and money"

She stepped up off of the ground and placed her hand on Teddys shoulder and he grinned,

"I've been out of school for almost two years now anyways- and Gran always kept my old textbooks for some odd reason"

"Does this mean I get to have my own wand?" Carina beamed, eyes wide with excitement,

"Well you cant learn magic without a wa-" Teddy started, but was cut off by Andromeda back handing him in the back of the head.

"Why yes it does my dear!" Andromeda smiled, shooting Teddy a look that said 'don't be a smart arse'

Carina turned to Teddy, "so what do you do now that you're out of Hogwarts?" She asked him,

He smiled, "I'm in my last year of auror training, though aurors don't really do anything exciting anymore- thanks a lot for saving the world and bringing peace uncle Harry" he said, the last line laced with sarcasm.

"Saving the world!" Carina exclaimed, "Merlin what did I miss?"

Teddy realized his mistake and looked to his grandmum to save him, and she shot him an exasperated look.

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