chapter three | revelations

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"COME AGAIN?" the girl scoffed, her stomach dropping. She ran her fingers through her unkempt hair, her eyebrows furrowing as she assumed she had heard her aunt incorrectly.

Andromeda snuck a glance at the two aurors standing next to the bed, and the pit of dread in Carina's stomach increased tenfold- gnawing at her.

Andromeda laughed to herself- ridiculously, her hands covering her tired face as her body shook with laughter that sounded like it could turn to tears at any moment, confusing everyone else in the small hospital room.

"I'm too old for this" she chuckled, resting her hand on her brow bone in awe at the situation in front of her.

"I don't even know how to tell you everything without being completely straightforward" she sighed.

Carina face went slack, her confusion reaching a bursting point as she stared between the adults in the room- how different her aunt and uncle looked, how different the room looked from when she had last been at St. Mungo's. Sure she heard what was being said but two thousand-seventeen? It was a joke.

It had to be.

Though a sickly feeling weighing heavy on her chest told her that something very strange had happened.

"Can you please just tell me what's happening?" Carina asked, "Aunt Andromeda- where's my father?"

"Thirty one years ago your father put you under a spell to protect you" Andromeda began, not looking Carina in the eye, instead focusing on her hands that were making busy work kneading into the hospital quilt on her lap.

"The spell wore off today, and now you're here- still eleven years old, and nobody is really sure how"

Carina's eyes widened, her heart beat becoming almost erratic as she did the arithmetic in her head, that would make her what? Forty two years old? Where was her father?

"Where's my dad?" She asked, almost afraid of the answer, as she knew there was no logical explanation as to why her dad would just leave her for that long.

Andromeda sighed, taking one of Carina's hands into her own,

"He died a long time ago honey" she paused, "the reason nobody came looking for you is because everyone thought that you died that day at the manor"

Carina felt as if the room was shifting around her, "what do you mean he died?" she whimpered, "he promised to come back for me"

Andromeda frowned, saddened by the innocence in Carina's disappointment.

"Honey I promise you that if he could have come for you would have, after he left.. let's just say he went through a lot" she paused, almost unsure of how to continue, "his memories, thoughts.. a lot of things were altered, but no matter what you have to trust me when I say that your father loved you dearly"

Carina clutched the locket around her neck, unable to look up at her aunt as the cogs in her brain worked at overdrive to comprehend her aunts words.


There was simply no way. How could there be?

This was Sirius Black- her father. The man who seemed nearly invincible in her eyes, dead? What could possibly kill the man who was so full of life he seemed un-killable?

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