chapter seventeen | a shared burden

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IT WAS COLD, both the weather outside and the atmosphere within the small train compartment. Despite the group only being short one person- the compartment felt overwhelmingly empty, and Carina had confined herself to her seat next to the window, eyes glued to the scenery as she traced shapes onto the cold fogged glass.

Well into their journey, none of the teenagers had yet felt the need to speak- though it seemed as though they hadn't been speaking much lately anyways.

It had been nearly a month since the catastrophe that had been Ted and Victoire's wedding- what was supposed to be a day of celebrations quickly turning into one of bloodshed.


Just the thought of her made Carina's insides twist as though attempting to suffocate her from the inside out.

The blood- thick and red, so red, haunting Carina every time she closed her eyes, unable to forget its pungent smell and the way it matted in her hair and stained her hands,

And in a way- it had been her own fault.

No not a way- it had been entirely her fault.

Such a small piece of information she held- unbeknownst to her so bloody valuable, and she had kept it to herself.

And it had nearly cost her the life of one of the people she held most dear.

Tiberius Nott, Rabastan Lestrange, Alecto Carrow, Damon Karde, Darius Odell, Charis Burke,

All highly dangerous murderers deranged and free,

Though who could forget the last of the group? Possibly the most dangerous and deranged of them all? The very name that had been plaguing Carina's nightmares for weeks as she replayed the events of the last few months in her head, over and over,

Oberon Selwyne.

A cruel and impulsive man known for his ambitious nature- his ambitions delving quite deeply into the darkest accomplishments possible.

As she had recently learned, also skilled with charms and curses- known for being a prime asset to Voldemort sprawling back to their days at school together- anything you could possibly imagine, the cruelest punishments possible- and he could create them.

Her aunts had described him to her- the permanent scowl etched onto his face, his neat and always in place cropped blonde hair, he was the perfect image of an organized man who meant business.

Though that wasn't all- for one trait he possessed was identical to Carina's own, yet at the same time, so harrowingly different.

His eyes- the familiar cobalt blue, cool and calculated, they shared their colour with the ones that sat in Carina's own head, yet they desperately lacked the warmth hers embodied.

He was also her grandfather.

A man one of the sole reasons she even existed, as her mothers father.

The very thought made her want to vomit.


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