chapter twelve | tears and goodbyes

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Al paled, "I- uh, well you se-"

"This was the Malfoy's wasn't it?" Remus said, and Scorpius paled immediately, "or Lestrange! What is this dark magic?"

"Remus, the girl has been dead for years now, you are not seriously suggesti-" Dumbledore began cautiously, only to be cut off-

"Remus- you can't be serious" Dora said sadly,

Carina was sobbing, and clutching to Al for support,

"This is his house- this is meant to taunt him, to-"

"You and aunt Lily taught me to ride a muggle bicycle when I was five" she said- surprising herself.

She didn't know what she was doing- hell, she didn't know why she was doing it, but seeing how upset her uncle was at the thought of someone impersonating her made her snap- not to mention his wand in James' face.

As much as she didn't like him she wasn't going to allow him to get hurt defending her- though she was still not sure why he was defending her.

Rose had stood in front of her- and now Rose was on the ground leaning against Scorpius because she had gotten the bloody wind knocked out of her.

That was another thing- why on earth is he helping Rose? Boys are mental.

"When I was born uncle James gave me a stuffed wolf to piss you off and named him Mooney- which is then what I called you" she continued,

The rest of the people of the past looked thoroughly confused, and were muttering between themselves.

She stood up, and walked towards him- his face blank,

"You're also my godfather" she choked- wiping her tear stained cheeks.

Nobody in the room moved for a moment- as though unsure of what was going to happen,

Carina looked into her uncles eyes- the uncle she hadn't seen in over thirty one years, and tried to decipher what he was thinking.

The man hadn't moved- and his wand was still pointed at James, who was in front of her.

She saw his bottom lip tremble- as though fighting tears, and he dropped his wand before shoving past James and embracing her tightly.

"How on earth are you alive?" He cried, and Carina laughed,

"Do you- do you mean to tell me you're- oh my god" Dora said- before running to join them,

"You look so young! You're only a few years older than me!" She cried, hugging them both fiercely,

"Bloody hell who is she?" Ron asked, warranting a smack on the head from his mother,

"Quick!" Dora yelled to the others, "someone go wake Sirius!"

Carina felt her body stiffen, and before she could protest Bill Weasley ran out of the room,

"That is Sirius' dead daughter" Dumbledore began, "though I suppose she's not dead"

"What do you mean-" Harry began, "his daughter!" Hermione finished, and the old man smiled,

"I suppose we should let him explain" he said,

Remus let go of her first, and held her at an arms length- studying her, before turning to her friends,

"How in Godrics name are you alive!" He marvelled, running his hands through her hair,

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