chapter two | familiar faces

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The bright light of the room temporarily blinded her, and she rubbed her eyes, allowing them to adjust to the brightness.

a tug on her arm made her aware of her surroundings, and she saw she was in a bed; a hospital bed to be exact.

She watched fluid drop into her veins through the IV in her arm in amazement, counting each drop.

Suddenly she heard talking outside the door of her room, it was faint, but she could still hear it well enough to decipher what they were saying.

"I don't know what to believe at this point, the kids asking for Sirius Black..... Sirius Black! As far as I know he never had any kids. This has to be some sort of joke right? Like a prank" she heard Nathaniel say.

"I don't know, whatever it is we should probably call Harry, he'll want to know about this" Gregory replied.

Carina tensed up, who was Harry? Why hadn't they called her father? And why was her grandparents summer manor in ruins?

Nathaniel sighed, "not yet, a healer hasn't even seen her yet, maybe they can help us figure out what to do about this. Until then nobody can know"

Her door clicked open and in walked Nathaniel and Gregory with a mediwitch.

"Hello there Carina" Gregory started, "nice to see you're awake"

"Where's my father?" She asked, "I thought I told you to call him"

Gregory sent an unsettled look to Nathaniel, "you see Carina, your father is busy right now, but the mediwitch here just wants to run some tests, can you let her do that?"

Carina nodded her head, "I suppose so"

The witch uttered spells and drew various samples before leaving Carina alone with the two aurors.

As the mediwitch drew her blood she couldn't help but think about her other family members, besides her father.

Where were her aunts? Bella, Andy and Cissy? Uncle Lucious? Mr. Tom who her auntie Bella brought her to visit sometimes. Not to mention Dora who she helped watch for auntie Andy.

She frowned, but was snapped out of her thoughts by Nathaniel.

"So Carina, a healer is going to come in to see you soon, it's nothing major" he said, "he just wants to double check that you're doing completely fine after waking up from such a spell"

She nodded, and turned to Gregory.

"Do you know when my father will be coming?"  She asked, but she never got an answer as there was a knock on the door.

"Hello, I'm just here to wrap things up, my name is healer Selwyn"

he paused, his eyes fixated on the eyes identical to his own in front of him.

It took Carina a second to realize who the man was, and why he was staring at her in such a way, though in her defence the man had looked much younger the last time she had seen him- in fact no older than early twenties, yet he now looked well past middle age.

"Uncle Rigel?" She asked, staring up at the man.

He opened his mouth, but no words came out. Nathaniel and Gregory simply stared between the two, unsure of how to proceed.

"I- I don't, wha-" He began, his eyes widening as he heard her voice, and he frantically turned towards the aurors in the room as one cut him off mid stutter,

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