chapter eight | oh fuck

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Carina groaned as she felt the pillow make contact with her head for the third time- and turned over to be met with the wild red hair of her best friend hanging over her.

"Five more minutes Rosie" she mumbled, and attempted to pull her covers over her head, though Rose quickly snatched them from her.

"You've said that twice now you prat" Rose stated, hands on her hips, and Carina noticed she was already in her uniform.

"Besides- I'm not letting you spend another day hiding in here, I don't care if you're avoiding Tommy you can't avoid him forever" she reasoned.

Carina groaned again.

Carina dated Thomas Goyle all of fifth year up until breaking up with him before summer holidays- and the boy hadn't left her alone since, it was quite annoying really.

What did the boy expect? You don't get caught cheating on your girlfriend in the prefects bathroom and expect her not to mind.

"I'm not hiding" Carina mumbled, throwing her face back into her pillow.

"Oh yeah?" Ross snickered, "thats why you skipped class yesterday and half the day before that?"

"I'm ill"

"You look perfectly fine to me" Rose snipped.

There was a pregnant pause until Carina huffed and sat up.

"Fine" she paused, "but you better tell them we're sitting at our table today and if he follows I'll have Scor's head for breakfast"

Rose made a face as if she'd rather enjoy that, and Carina chose to ignore it as she got up and threw on her uniform- barely brushing her wild dark hair.

"Would you look at that" Melanie Jones, one of the girls they shared a dormitory with joked as they reached the Gryffindor table, "Rose actually managed to get you out of bed?"

"So she's alive then?" Their other dorm mate- Blair Gobbs questioned- though jokingly.

"Shut it" Carina muttered, as her and Rose walked past them further down the table where they normally sat. The remaining three members of their little group- adorned in their Slytherin robes were already seated, and Carina promptly threw herself into her seat and her head against the oak table in a huff.

"Well don't you look absolutely radiant this morning" Scorpius marvelled at his slightly disheveled cousin.

she raised her head to send him a mocking grin before plopping her head back down.

"Oi Black! You look like you stuck your head in a spark plug- do you not own a hairbrush?" A voice mused from a few seats over.

Carina didn't have to raise her head to know who the voiced belonged to, and didn't bother to- the quick fire response leaving her mouth as if it were second nature,

"I'm not even going to bother looking at you but if I had to guess, you have that stupid smug look on your face right now don't know? The one that makes you look permanently constipated?"

"You blo-"

"-Shove off James" Rose spoke up, "not the time"

"Listen to your cousin you tosser" she added, forehead still against the hard oak, imagining the look on the prat's face at being ganged up on so early in the morning.

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