chapter ten | a harmless prank

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IT WAS A FEW DAYS LATER when Rose and her brother had returned to Hogwarts, their father- Ron, had woken up, though was unable to remember anything past what he had eaten for breakfast the morning he was attacked.

The ministry suspected he had been obliviated, however no counter spell seemed to reverse the effect- at least that's what Rose had told her friends.

"That doesn't make any sense Rosie" Della said, sprawled out on of the maroon couches in the Gryffindor common room.

The redhead nodded, "I know it doesn't" she paused, "but he seriously can't remember a thing"

"Bloody hell" Albus said, chiming in from next to Carina on the floor in front of the fireplace.

Carina agreed it was peculiar, but then again so was magic. There wasn't an explanation as to why it flowed through their veins- it just did.

"Nobody knows how I woke up" Carina shrugged, "or why I picked up aging where I left off"

"Thanks for reminding me you're old enough to be my Nan Carina" Scorpius shuddered- and Cordelia slapped his arm.

"I reckon he'll remember eventually" Carina said- ignoring Scorpius' comment about her true age.

Rose sighed, "I dunno, I'm just worried about him- he seems so put out about it"

"I would be too after something like that" Albus reasoned, and Rose turned to him.

"But Al- think of everything our parents did, this- if anything, has severely bruised my dads ego"

The rest of the group shot her and Al a sympathetic glance.

Carina understood where she was coming from- Ron, Harry and Hermione were worried, The Golden Trio. They were who the people turned to for answers- and they had none.

"As much as I want to continue this conversation about my parents and uncle feeling like failures I have a prefects meeting" Rose said- standing from her place on the couch.

"Blimey thanks for reminding me!" Della exclaimed, before following her out- Scorpius close behind.

"See you lot at dinner!"

The Slytherins were still acting weird- and Carina hadn't failed to notice.

As she accompanied Albus to his common room she felt her nerves reach a boiling point- almost as if her body was trying to tell her something.

"I know you're worried about Rose but I reckon it will be fine- if my dad could save the world at seventeen I'm sure he can help my uncle remember what happened"

That wasn't entirely what had been bothering her- though she smiled at Albus' effort.

"Our parents have a lot of enemies, if you ask me it's just someone trying to stir up trouble- nothing serious" he reasoned again.

Carina seriously doubted that, though she'd never tell Albus that. Somehow two strange explosions, a memory wiped unconscious war hero, and two missing aurors seemed more than stirring up trouble.

James and Fred stirred up trouble- they bewitched the soldiers at the front of the school to follow first years, they jinxed the Slytherins hair red, and so on.

This didn't seem like that.

In front of them- two younger students were hurrying along the corridors, and Carina smiled.

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