MY Blue Eyed Creature (Ayshe&Louis)

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Friday, July 13, 2012

                Dear Diary,

Today Friday the 13th; the worst day of the year for some people, including me. My best friend, Louis Tomlinson, is leaving to go on tour on Tuesday. I know it seems cliché, and seems like it always happens, but I have been madly in love with him since I met him at school in third grade. We made plans to hang out every day since then and watch Harry Potter and CSI. Well, here we go.

Until tonight,


I walked upstairs to open the door for Louis.

“Hey, A! Are you ready for Harry Potter marathon??” My crazy best friend, Louis, asked me running into my house like a mad man.

“Hey , Lou! Yes, I am ready for HP marathon! I have everything set up downstairs in the theatre; blankets, popcorn, candy and pop.” I said, chasing him downstairs.

He placed the movies on the bar for me to put in when night arrived. Now we were going to chill on the swings on my little play set in my backyard like we used to when we were little.

“So, you ready to tour America?” I asked, breaking the silence.

“Yeah! I’m super excited to spend all that time with the lads and my fans, but I’ll miss all my family and friends.” He said, looking down sadly. “There are just some people I’ll miss more than others. Like Lottie I’ll probably miss her the most.”

I just sat there looking at him, eyes wide and sad, as he probably won’t miss me at all because he will be around Harry, Niall, Zayn and Liam the whole time. Hopefully I get to visit them though; at least more than Eleanor, his girlfriend. (AN: NO HATE! I love Eleanor!)

“Of course, I’ll miss Eleanor. I feel like I’m forgetting someone. Who else is there that I’ll miss?” He said looking around, like I’m not even sitting here. “OH yeah! I’ll miss my best friend, Ayshe!” He said looking directly at me.

I probably look like a mess because hearing him almost not say he’s gonna miss me is breaking my heart.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked me, worried. “I was just kidding. I’m going to miss you every day of the whole dang tour, A. You’re my best friend. Of course, you’ll be able to come visit us eventually, but just not in the beginning because we will be getting used to touring and our schedule. But we can still talk every day!” He said, picking my head up and giving me a hug. I hugged back and wiped my pitiful tears.

I smiled to myself and began tickling him.

“Hey, that’s not nice! No carrots for you tonight.” He said, as he ran away ready to take all my carrots from my refrigerator.

“No, Lou! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too. Please don’t eat all of my carrots.” I said, running after him begging not to eat my carrots.

“Say the magic words.” Louis replied, holding my carrots hostage over the trashcan. Though I knew he would never ever drop perfectly good carrots into the trash, I got on my knees and repeated out loud: “Louis Tomlinson is the Carrot King.”

“And who is my Carrot Queen?” He encouraged me.

“Louis Tomlinson is the Carrot King and Harry Styles in his Queen.” I said, having giggling fits because it really should be the other way around. Plus I should be his “Carrot Queen”.

“Good, girl. Now here are your carrots.” He said helping me up and handing me my bag of carrots.

“Thank you, King of the Carrots!” I said, giving him a hug. He laughed hugging me back.

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