Favourite People (Niall&Sela)

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“Here we are with Olympic qualifying for Equestrian Horse Jumping, the 16 year old from Great Britain Sela Petersen.” The interviewer said to me.

“Hello, I’m so happy to be here.” I replied with a smile.

“Well, it is quite lovely to have you here, Sela. When did you know you wanted to horse jump professionally?” He asked me.

“Well, you see when I was about 13 years of age, my father got me my first horse and I fell in love with the sport immediately.” I responded.

“Ah, that’s smashing. We are all glad you stuck with it to represent our fit land in this year’s Olympics. Now, tell us more about yourself.” He said, smiling.

“Let's see, I am currently 16 years old, I miss my mates, Katharine and Bailey. A few of my other hobbies include listening to music, mainly One Direction, and writing.” I said, grinning at the man giving the interview.

“Oi, One Direction! Who's yer favourite or are thou one of those "Directioners" that do not pick favourites?” He asked, making me laugh.

“Well, I am no super fan, but I do have a favourite and that would have to be the blonde Irishman, Niall.” I said, feeling my cheeks slightly heat up as I just announced that Niall Horan was my favourite One Direction lad to the whole world.

“Oi, he is one fine lad. Well, that is all the time we have for today. Thank you to Ms. Sela Petersen for being here with us and best of luck to you in the 2012 Olympic Games.” The interviewer ended the interview.

(Over the next weeks)

The Olympics are almost over and I have won two medals, gold for individual and silver for team. Currently, I am preparing for the closing ceremony. Tonight will be the night that I get to see One Direction perform live for the first time ever.Hopefully, I get to meet the lads.

“Sel, are you almost ready?” My mum asked me from the other side of my closed hotel room door.

“Well, I am going to need some help.” I explained, opening the door, dressed in my required white outfit with my hair in a brown frizzy mess.

“Dear me, how did this get like that?” My mum asked, pointing to my head.

“I took my shower and when I went to brush it and dry it, it was all frizzy. I think it has to do with the unusual weather this season.” I explained, bringing my right hand up to my frizzy mid-back length brown hair.

“Let's fix this. Grab y'r brush, mousse, a pony tail holder and some bobby pins.” My mom said, as we frantically walked into the bathroom where all my supplies were located.

Within the next ten minutes my mum had my hair in a beautiful pleat pinned into a side cob.

“Oi, thank you, mummy! It is brilliant!”  I exclaimed wrapping her in a hug.

(Fast forward a few hours)

 They just announced that One Direction was going to be performing in a few minutes. I'm so ecstatic!

You're insecure.

Don't know what for. 

You're turning heads when you walk through the door-oo-or.

The familiar voice of Mr. Liam Payne and the rest of One Direction started singing. I turned around and saw them on the big truck that was pulling them around the arena. Following their every movement with my eyes and landing on a certain blonde boy with a white button-up shirt and blue pants on. Niall James Horan, my favourite One Direction lad. They looked as if they had no care in the world and could just be themselves. I start to wonder what would happen if I did get to meet them tonight.

(After the Closing Ceremony)

As I walked around, by myself, saying hi to most of the people I walked passed,  I found my mum and dad sitting at the bar talking to each other.

“Hi, mum and dad, are you two enjoying yourselves?” I asked, walking over to the wrapping my arms around their shoulders.

“Hello, Sela, we are very much enjoying the company of the other athletes and parents. Are you enjoying your time?” My dad asked, eyeing me.

“Of course, I am, just a little thirsty.” I said, “Excuse me, could I get a diet root beer?” I asked the bartender kindly. He just nodded and took the pop hose and pushed a button into a cup. Then handing me the cup, he said, “Here you go, Sela.”

“Thank you.” I replied, smiling at him.

“Ah, there’s the famous Ms. Sela Petersen.” I heard a voice say from behind me as I was now looking at a pretty fountain that had me facing the London Eye and Big Ben. The voice sounded familiar, but I could not place it with one off the top of my head, so I slowly turned around to be face to face with the one and only Niall James Horan of One Direction.

“Hello, Niall.” I said, looking into his sparkly blue eyes.

“Hello, Sela, it’s nice to finally meet you.” He responded, closing the gap between us and holding his hand out to me.

“Nice to meet you too, you lads did brilliantly tonight.” I said, smiling and shaking his hand, feeling a slight jolt go through my arm, but ending when we released hands.

“Thank you, love. I do have to say you did quite brilliantly in every round of your competitions.” He said, smiling back genuinely.

“That’s very kind of you to say, thank you.” I said, now probably blushing. He chuckled slightly.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Niall asked, “What was your favourite part of this whole experience of being in the Olympics?”

I thought about it for a few seconds, “it is probably a tie, between competing against the most talented equestrians in the world and seeing you lads perform. What about you? What was your favourite part of the Olympics?”

He smiled, “Well, I think my first favourite is probably you saying I was your favourite One Direction lad and actually meeting you and talking to you.”

Again, me being me I blushed.

“That is very flattering.” I said, smiling at him.

He smiled back, “As it was as well, to be told that by such a beautiful, kind and talented person.”

I just continued smiling, more like grinning at him, hoping he would notice how happy I was right now. As well as being nervous as heck, I was very excited to be sitting here on the ledge of the fountain sitting next to Niall.

“Sela, can I tell you something?” Niall asked, breaking the silence.

“Sure, Niall.” I responded.

“Not only do I think you are kind, talented and beautiful, inside and out. I think you are the biggest hearted person I have ever met. I was really surprised when you said I was your favourite because honestly I thought you were going to say like Harry or Liam. When I heard my name come out of your mouth on that interview, my heart literally skipped a beat. What I am really trying to say is I really have taken a fancy to you. Not just from only knowing you for a few hours, but from watching you ride your horse. I can tell we have much in common; putting all of our effort into what we love doing, showing all of our passion and even, apparently liking each other.” Niall said, looking my straight into the eyes.

The next thing I know is our faces are slowly moving towards each other. I saw Niall’s eyes move from mine to my lips, as if asking permission to kiss me. I nodded and continued moving closer to Niall’s lips.

Once his lips were against mine, we moved together as if we were one unit and I knew Niall and I were each other’s favourite people.

Thank you for waiting so long! I had major writer's block and still kind of do. As you might be able to tell by how terrible this is. I'm sorry if some of the British grammer/lingo is off, I'm not from GB... :( hahaha but I hope you enjoyed it! <3 :) Thank you for your patience.

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