"Never Too Busy for Mistletoe" (Niall&Makenna)

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@KennaK123: @NiallOfficial I know you’re probably very busy, but I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.


Today is the first day of my Christmas Break and here I am Makenna Kruegar, sitting here on my bed, Tweeting Niall Horan, who knows nothing of my existence. Most of my friends are out at the movies seeing Breaking Dawn: Part 2, but I already saw it and now I’m choosing to spend this time listening to music, writing stories, and stalking One Direction on Twitter.


My phone snapped me out of my thoughts. Looking at the screen, seeing it to be my friend, Mikayla, asking if I wanted to go to a Christmas party later, I responded saying that it would be good to get out of the house. Mikayla text back and said she’d pick me up at 6.

I had 3 hours to kill before my friends, Mikayla, Kayla, and Kaitlyn, would be here. I finished writing the chapter of my story, and saved it before leaving my bedroom to get some lunch. As I walked towards my kitchen I thought of what Niall and the rest of the boys would eat on a day like today, snow on the ground, but hardly enough to stick in the roads for very long, with a slight wind, blowing the powdery snow in the grass around.

I had decided on going out to get something to eat. Grabbing my coat, iPod, wallet, and writing my parents a note in case they came out of their offices, I walked out of the door. Feeling the crunching of the snow beneath my feet, as I walked, was kind of soothing. I put my headphones in tuning the world out, as one of my favorite non-1D songs, Some Nights by fun, came on.

As I turned the corner to get to my local coffee shop, something hit me in the back. I turned around, only to see nobody in sight. So, I continued walking, getting hit with something again, but this time whatever it was hit me in the face. My jaw dropping, as I realized that it was a snowball.

“Okay, whoever is having a snowball fight; you have terrible aim at your opponent.” I stated, semi loud.

“Louis, what the hell are you doing?!” I heard a voice from the house to my left ask someone.

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you with that snowball, love.” Another voice said, as I saw a distant figure walking towards me. Taking in who was walking towards me saying they were sorry was very surreal. Louis William Tomlinson was currently standing in front of me saying he is sorry for hitting me with a snowball.

“It’s quite alright, Louis. But as I said before you have really bad aim.” I repeated myself, getting ready to continue my journey to the coffee shop.

“Hey! That’s not nice.” He said, either referring to my remark or my ignoring the presence of such an influence.

“What’s not nice? I just so happen to be taking a walk when out of the blue a random stranger hits me with a snowball. What am I supposed to do? Stop and yell at said person with bad aim. I’m not that type of person especially when it’s kind of cold and I want food and coffee.” I said to him, as he matched my step.

“Well, you could tell me your name,” he said back, “and the boys and I could come with you to get food because one of them happens to have a very large appetite.”

“My name is Makenna,” I responded, “you boys do not have to come with me. I’m just going to grab a coffee and some soup.”

“Ok, Makenna,” Louis said, “but you’ll come back this way right?”

“Yes, Louis. There is no other way for me to get home.” I responded, as he stopped walking.

“Well, you go get that coffee and soup and we’ll be waiting for you where I hit you the first time in 15 minutes to walk you home.” Louis said, with great sincerity.

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