He Finally Did. (Louis&Layla)

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Soo sorry that this took me soo long to write! I've been super busy with school, homework, and basketball. It means a lot to me that you've been so patitent! :) Hope you enjoy it!! Picture on the side: Louis being hot.... *dead*

“Bethany, come on. We have to leave now if we’re ever going to get to the airport!” I called one of my best friends, as I was waiting outside in my car. I’m Layla Payne. Today is the day, my brother, Liam and his band are coming back to England; yes, Liam, as in Liam James Payne, and band, as in One Direction, with Harry, Niall, Zayn and my favorite, Louis.

“I’m coming out right now.” She said, and just as she opened her front door of her house I hung up.

“Finally, what the heck were you doing in there, Beth?” I said, smiling as we drove out of her driveway.

“I was finishing watching Toy Story 3 again. It’s not my fault it was almost over when you got here!” She explained, as I chuckled at her. Boy was she and Liam meant for each other.

“That’s alright. It’s a good thing Caroline offered to pick up Amber and Hayleigh or we would have been way late.” I said, keeping my eyes on the road. Okay so here’s the scoop, Bethany is dating Liam, Caroline is dating Niall, Amber is dating Harry and Hayleigh is dating Zayn. You might be thinking it’s weird for my best friends to be dating my brother and his friends, but it really isn’t.

Beth, Ambs, Hay, and Car have all been friends with me and Liam since way before the band. You could always tell that Beth and Liam liked each other, it was weird at first but I got over it. Once Liam went on the xfactor we’ve all developed crushes on the others. The other girls got their boys, but I don’t really know what’s up with Louis.

Last time I talked to Louis, he was pretty smitten with his current girlfriend, Eleanor, but with us both being so busy and me being partially depressed, the last time we talked was about 4 months ago. Yeah, I still talked to the others, but I wasn’t ready to talk to Louis, even when Liam had told me that Eleanor and Him broke up, because Eleanor thought he had someone else on his mind. I honestly still don’t know if I am, but I can’t avoid him forever.

“Layla, are you alright?” Bethany asked, snapping me out of my dazed driving.

“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine, just thinking.” I said, trying to focus on getting to the airport.

“Thinking about Louis, I presume?” She asked, knowing me all too well. I just nodded.

“Lay, I know you like him and all, but honestly if he can’t see what a great girl you are and how perfect you two would be together, then maybe it’s time to move on.” She said, cautiously.

“You don’t think I’ve been trying, but every time I even look at another guy, I instantly start comparing him to Louis. Yeah, I know I’ve never actually “had” Louis, but sometimes it feels like it.” I explained, pulling into the airport, finding a parking spot.

We walked into the airport, searching for the luggage claim; that Liam told me they’d be going to be at. As we approached it we could see Amber on Caroline’s shoulders looking for us. I smiled and walked over to them.

“Hey, girlies, how long have you been waiting here?” I asked, Hayleigh.

“Well, Caroline was so excited to see Niall, that she picked us up 20 minutes ago. So we’ve been here for about 15 minutes.” Hay explained, looking at our friend, who put down Amber and was bouncing around excitedly to see her boyfriend of 2 years, as the rest of them were either almost a year.

“The plane from Australia to England has just landed. The luggage claim will be rolling in about 10 minutes.” The intercom said, announcing the arrival of the boy’s plane. And now we wait until we see their faces, walk down the stairs leading to the luggage claim.

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