Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Pale's POV

"So dad," Matthew said. "Why did you call us here? Because, Pale has her daughter upstairs."

I nodded. "Yeah, Matthew has his niece upstairs."

"Shut up," Matthew said.

Matthew and I were standing in the throne room, looking at our dad.

"Listen, Matthew as you know, Pale has some big things in her life, Pacific and becoming queen in two months. I know some tensions will run high with you two, it does in every new crowning, but I want you to support your sister," dad said.

I could see the old in his eyes, he was nearing his death days.

"I will," Matthew said.

"Pale are you excited to become queen?" Dad asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Good. Are you excited to have a husband?"

My jaw dropped. "A h...h...husband?"

Dad's face frowned. "You didn't know? I guess maybe because your mother was human you don't know many mer rules."

That's not racist at all I thought.

"Why does Pale need a husband?" Matthew asked. "

"It's what is required to be ruler," my dad said.

"So what happens? Do you pick some merman for me or do I choose?" I asked.

"My father let me choose who I wanted to marry, a mermaid or a human and I chose your mom, I am letting you do the same," dad said.

"Wait, mom doesn't wear a ring around here finger," Matthew said.

"Well, merpeople can't marry humans, because a wedding would be weird, so it's just like a proposal, and then your married," dad said.

"Oh," I said. "And what about mermen."

"They will rule the ocean along side you Pale," dad said.

"Oh," I said. "Is that all?"

"No. I'll give you some time to think about it, but can you tell me whether you want a merman or a human for a husband," dad said.

"Okay," I said nodded.

"And just one more thing, please get it back to me in two days time, I'm a couple days I am leaving for a business trip."

I looked over at Matthew, he looked pretty angry, and I was mad too. Why did he always have to go on trips? He has a kingdom to run!

My dad stood up from his chair and began to swim towards the door.

"Dad! Wait!" Matthew called out.

Dad stopped. "What is it Matthew?" He asked.

Matthew took a deep breath in. "All my life Pale and I have been told you were dead, and now, we see who you really are, and I thought this was the best thing ever, oh my dad isn't dead I can finally have some father-son bonding time all my friends do! But no! You have to be the King of the Ocean and always go on business trips. Pale is taking care of her adopted daughter and you've never seen her before. I've learned how to use this trident on my own. We have done so much without you, and you have done more without us, we need some children-father bonding time! I know your not dead, I just wish your weren't so wrapped up in work so you could make up for the eleven years I've lost with you."

My dad looked stunned. "Matthew, Pale, I'm sorry you feel this way."

"And I'm surprised you call her Pale and not Paleren, cuz you haven't been around us long enough to know what I call her!" Matthew yelled.

"Listen Matthew, I still have two days till I have to go on the trip, until then I'll show you what it is like to be King, I'll show you the whole ocean if that makes you feel better, mermaids may have the voice, but mermen have the strength, we could mess with fishermen's nets!" Dad said.

I looked at Matthew and I could see the fire in his eyes, that thrill of excitement, and let's be honest, no one isn't scared of that.

"In the meantime Pale, think about your choice."

"Okay...father," I said.

"Hey dad, how will we sneak up on fishing nets, your like 8 feet tall," Matthew asked.

"That is easy," dad said.

His trident began to glow white and I knew he was doing something with his size.

I light became blinding and when it receded, I was looking at a six foot tall merman, not an eight foot tall one.

"Let's go!" Matthew yelled as they race out the door.

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