Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Pearls POV

Amphrie and I just hung there, playing with Pacific.
"Amphrie," I asked. "What is Pale doing down there."
"Just some requirements about being queen," Amphrie said.
"Yeah," I said nodding sadly.
"I can see your sad, why is that?" Amphrie asked.
I shrugged. "I guess I feel like this stuff is taking away from our friendship."
"It's okay Pearl, it happens to every mer," Amphrie said.
"I guess so," I said.
Caspian opened the door and swam outside, then Pale came in.
"Hi," she said.
"I'll leave you two alone," Amphrie said swimming out.
"Hey what time is it?" I asked.
"Uh, 10:00 pm human time," Pale said. "Why do you want to know?"
Should I tell her? I think I should.
"Pisces wants to teach you and me how to siren sing," I said.
"Like, right now?" Pale asked.
"Yeah!" I said as we both swam out the balcony.
We rushed to my house. We saw Pisces waiting at the front door. She hasn't moved out of the house yet. She says she will when Pale becomes queen. She's only 18, most mermaids move out of their parents houses around 20 years old.
"Okay, you ready?" She said.
"Yeah," Pale said.
"Okay," Pisces said.
When we got to the surface, Pisces heaved herself on to a large rock, so Pale and I could see her.
"Okay, so the first thing you have to know about siren singing is it has to run in your family. Pearl, mom and I were sirens so you can be a siren. Pale-"
Pale's head perked up.
"Was your mom a siren?" Pisces asked.
"Um," Pale said. "My mom is human."
Pisces frowned. "Oh yeah."
"Does that mean I can't be a siren?" Pale asked. I could see she was upset by that.
Mermaids most popular sport, and she can't play it?
"Well, maybe you can still be a siren, it's like, your the start of the siren in your family," Pisces said. "Just sing, anything you want."
"Um...okay," Pale said. "Mind if I."
She said pointing to the rock.
"Yeah sure," Pisces said hopping of the rock and flopping in the water.
Pale then sat on the rock.
She opened her mouth and sung:
"Head in the clouds got no weight on my shoulders. I should be wiser and realize that I've got."
She sung really high. I never thought a human could sing that high, and sing words to it.
Pisces started clapping. "I have never heard someone sing that high."
"I was a Soprano at my school, and just ask Ariana Grande, she can sing higher," Pale said hopping of the rock and diving into the water.
"Who's she?" I asked.
"Don't ask," Pale said.
We tried singing a luring song a couple of times. It was easy for me, but it wasn't so easy for Pale. Sure she was good, and she was siren good, but she had difficulty singing the notes in the right pattern.
"Okay Pearl and Pale," Pisces said. "I think it's time you tried your first sailor."
"Okay," we both said.
We heard seagulls cry above and looked in the distance.
We saw a large fishing boat in the distance.
"Okay now you have to be careful around fishing boats, there are nets everywhere, and you know what happens when you get caught in nets."
Pale ran her finger along her throat.
Pisces and I cocked our heads.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"Death," Pale said. "It's a human gesture."
"Okay well we are losing daylight, let's go lure some fishermen!" Pisces said as she dived into the water.
We followed her.
Her powerful orange-brown tail propelled her through the reef.
I look at Pale. Her aqua tail looked invisible in the water.
She ran her hand down a line of coral. Coral didn't affect mermaids.
I saw small fish dart in and out of coral and sea anemones.
I saw an eel snake along the ocean floor.
A turtle swam above me. It's hard shell blocking the sunlight for a second.
I laughed.
Pale swam above me, skimming the underbelly of the turtle. The animal didn't mind surprisingly, I guess maybe Pale has a way with animals.
"Here we are," Pisces said patting the rusting metal of the fishing boat.
"No remember," she said. "First step, always make sure there are no women on board. Second thing, you can drown the men, but we aren't, so locate the nearest shore to drag them to. Step three, decide who will save who. Step four, sing! Okay any questions? Pale you will sing the storm song and Pearl you will sing the luring song. You two will work as a team. I'll save one of the men too. And when you do, make sure to check if he's breathing. If he is, leave him on shore, if he isn't, well, let's see where we find ourselves. Okay Pearl and Pale, do your best."
Pale and I swam over to the side of the ship and looked through a small hole.
"Okay, there are three men on the dock," Pale said.
We looked around. We saw a speck of land in the distance, it looked far away.
"Do you think we could make it?" I asked.
"We have to," Pale said.
"Okay I want the one with brown hair," I said.
"I want to one with the short brown hair," Pale said. "And Pisces, you get the blonde one."
"Are you ready?" I asked Pale.
"Yeah," she said.
Pale sung her song.
She sung the storm song, the beginning of every siren trip thing. It was a dark melody, even if it was sung so high.
The sky began to darken the waves began crashing higher and higher till they were almost as tall as the ship. Tall sharp rocks began poking out of the water.
While Pale was singing, I joined in.
I sung my song, one by one the sailors eyes became glassy and they jumped into the water.
"Stop singing and go!" Pisces said diving after on of the men.
I ducked under the waves. Maybe Pale over did it a little. I felt like I was back in the tsunami, saw dust getting in my lungs, my hair, now even longer, acting like a whip I dodged a board, that last time, almost killed me.
I grabbed one of the sailors and dragged him to the surface.
I looked at Pale, who was already making her way to shore.
I did the same too.
We dragged them next to each other, followed by Pisces and we laid the men next to each other.
They were all breathing so we left.
Sirening was fun, but next time, I think I'll do the storm song, Pale kind of over did it.

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