Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Pale's POV

I breathed heavy and heavily in and out.

"'m freaking....out," I said gasping for breath.

"Hey," Pearl said trying to get my attention. But she couldn't get it, I was to focused on my breathing. "Hey! Pale!"

I stopped my heavy breathing and looked at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm freaking out! What if I mess up! All the merpeople are here!" I yelled. "I need water!"

I sucked in a bunch of water. "This isn't helping!"

"Why do you need water?" Pearl asked clearly confused.

"Humans calm themselves by drinking water. BUT I CAN'T DO THAT CUZ WATER IS MY AIR!"

"Okay," Pearl said. "Just...hey! HEY!"

Pearl grabbed my shoulders. "You'll be fine! Your Paleren Atlantica you'll be fine!" She kept telling me.

My breathing was becoming more calm.

"Yeah, okay I'm fine," I said.

I can do this. I can do this.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Matthew.

"Hey it's time to go," he said.

"Okay," I said taking a deep breath in.

"Good luck," Pearl said hugging me.

Matthew sighed. "Girls...why do they have to hug so much?"

"Shut up," I said punching him in the shoulder.

I swam over to the door and took a deep breath in. The doors opened and music began to play.

My brother and Pacific were behind me and dad and Amphrie were on the side of the small stage.

I spotted Pearl in the front row with her family, Pisces and her mom, Indiana.

I swam up to the stage. I took my little small princess crown and took it off. I turned around and placed it on Pacific's head. She giggled. The crowd cheered.

I looked to my right and saw Amphrie swim over.

"Hi Pale," she said smiling.

"," I said.

Amphrie took the large crown off her head and placed it on mine. The crowd cheered.

It was so pretty, embedded with jewels and diamonds.

"Queen Paleren Atlantica!" The crowd said.

They soon began to leave the rows of benches to go to the after party, which was held in the ballroom of the palace.

I swam down from the stage and met up with Pearl in the front row.

"You were great!" Pearl said hugging me. "And you got a bigger tiara!"

I felt someone tap on my shoulder. It was Pisces.

"Hey Pale I forgot to tell you this but Happy Birthday," Pisces said hugging me.

"Thanks Pisces," I said.

"And your gonna make the rule right?" She asked. "You know, the one where James and I get married?"

"Oh? The one where humans and merpeople can get married? Yeah I'm not making that a rule," I said.

Pisces face dropped. "Wha...what? But we are so happy..."

I laughed. "I'm just kidding! I'm not going to make it a rule but I will let you and James get married and stuff."

"Your going to make me...break the rules?" Pisces asked.

"Not all of them, but just this one," I said.

"Thanks Pale!" She said hugging me. "Now come on you need to break the news to Trench."

"Okay, okay, I'll do that in a little bit just let me finish my conversation with Pearl."

"Okay thanks Pale," Pisces said grinning and hugging me.

I turned back to Pearl. "Okay where were we?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm so proud of you!" She said. "And your going to make me marry whoever I want right? If they say yes."

"Yeah," I said.

"Good, cuz I'm gonna try and win some boys over!" Pearl said swimming away.

Indiana laughed. "I remember when your father's crowning ceremony."

"Now can we do it! Please, please, please!" Pisces said.

"Okay fine," I said rolling my eyes.

"Yay!" Pisces said grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the throne room.


"Trench," I said when I got into the ballroom.

"Yes Queen Pale," he said bowing.

"We have a slight change in the marriage order. You see, Pisces is no longer your wife. Instead she will be assigned to someone else. But you may marry whoever you want as long as they say yes."


"No Trench I will not marry you."

"Ok," he said as he swam away to some other mermaids.

"He's a man whore," Pisces said.

I nodded.

"Okay," Pisces said with a grin from ear to ear. "Let's go get my real husband!"

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