✿ t w o ✿

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Please read the author's note at the end. Thank you. ♡

j u n g k o o k

I stumbled forward, almost falling to the ground.

I growled and looked behind me.

A very familiar boy with mint hair stood behind me, smirking as he crossed his arms.

His hair reminded me a lot of a mop. It was so long that it hid his eyes really well. I wondered if he could even see.

I giggled as an image of Yoongi with a mop on his head popped up in my mind.

"What's got you giggling like a little school girl?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Who pissed in your cereal this morning?"

He threw a punch to my cheek, catching me off guard.

"You fucking prick," I said, massaging my left cheek as I used my other fist to hit his jaw.

"Yah! You two!" A prefect yelled, pointing at us as he sped towards our way.

"I'll deal with you some other time." And with that, Yoongi ran off into a different corridor. For someone with such short legs, it impressed me as to how fast he could run.

But I shrugged off the thought and ran the other direction.

Probably not a good time, but I thought about how Taehyung was doing.

t a e h y u n g

I sighed, sprawled on the bed and staring at the ceiling fan that spun round and round endlessly.

251, 252, 253.

I gave up after counting 253 rotations.

Yes, I was that bored.

Yes, I counted how many times the fan had spun.

I missed Jungkook. I switched on my phone and went to my gallery, staring at a picture of Jungkook and me.

I frowned sadly at the picture. We were both beaming in happiness, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I sighed and threw my phone to the side, not wanting to become more depressed than I already was.

Then suddenly, I heard my front door open. I quickly scrambled to my door and pressed my ear against it.

I thought I locked it.

I thought I was imagining it, but the footsteps that I clearly heard was enough evidence to prove that someone was in my house.

My heart beat accelerated as I quickly locked the door and scanned my room for a place to hide.

I mumbled incoherent profanities under my breath as I realised that there really was no place to hide.

Then, the I heard someone trying to twist the knob.

"It's just me, Taehyung."

I sighed in relief as I realised it was just a friendly guard I got to know.

I unlocked the door and let him in.

"What is it, Wonho?" I asked, confused as to why he came here.

"They told me to check up on you before you head off to uni."


He sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "They won't let you go unless you confess who you hurt."

I stared at him blankly.

"What do you—"

I stopped, realizing what he meant. The whole reason I was sent here.

My lips trembled.

"I-I can't, Wonho," I said, looking at the ground.

"Tae, didn't you say you would do anything to see Jungkook?" He reasoned. I nodded.

"I-It's not a big issue."

"Taehyung, that was a lot of blood. It looked like you really could have killed someone."

I sighed.



Honestly this sucked rjsjdjsn but I figured it's been too long since the last chapter. But after this one, I might take a short break.

I'm having a bit of writer's block atm so once I have more inspiration to write I'll come back ♡







Thank you for voting on the previous chapter!

And thank you to everyone who read till the end ♡ have a nice day / afternoon / night ♡♡♡


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