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t a e h y u n g

"Where are we going, hyung?" I asked as we fastened our seatbelts.

"You'll see." He winked at me with a smirk on his face and ignited the engine. The car roared to life.

I was still a little nervous and worried, but decided to trust Hoseok for the time being.

"Hey, don't worry, okay?" He said, as if hearing my thoughts. He placed a hand on my thigh and squeezed it reassuringly.

I nodded, breathing shakily.

"Alright, let's go," I said.


"You hungry?" Hoseok asked an hour later. He took his eyes off the road and almost hit another car.

"Watch out!" I yelled. He quickly turned his focus back to the car and swerved right on time.

I could feel the adrenaline rushing in my body. I placed a hand over my chest, trying to calm my breathing.

"G-God, I'm sorry," Hoseok said, still looking at the road.

"It's f-fine," I said. It really wasn't, but what else was I supposed to say? "Anyway, now that you mention it, I am kinda hungry."

"Should we stop by a gas station and get some food?" He suggested. I nodded at the idea.


It was 4pm.

"Hoseok, if we're going to such a far place, how are we going to get back in time?" I asked, a little worried. "Maybe I should call—"

"No!" Hoseok yelled, turning to me with fear in his eyes. I was startled by his sudden outburst. "I-I mean, no."

"Why not?" I asked. He sighed.

"Just... don't. Alright?"

I was getting a little suspicious, but I obliged. "Fine."

And so we kept driving.



Hoseok parked by a liquor store.

"Is this our stop?" I asked, a little confused. Hosoek laughed.

"No, I'm just going to get some alcohol. Be right back," he said, unbuckling his seatbelt and leaving the car.

I checked my phone for any new messages. None. I sighed and contemplated calling Jungkook.

But if he was having a good time with Yugyeom, I didn't want to interrupt. So I turned my phone off and slumped in my seat.

Hoseok got back not long after with a long paper bag in his hands. He beamed, entering the car.

"You sure this is a good idea?" I asked. He faked an annoyed sigh.

"Of course, Tae. Trust me on this one, okay? It'll be fun, I promise."

I bit my lip wearily. "Okay."



Hoseok parked the car at a small empty land by the road that overlooked the ocean. I had no idea how far we were from the city, but definitely really far.

It was quiet, and peaceful. The sun was beginning to set, and the water was now a mix of orange and pink.

The clouds drifted across the sky, as if rushing to their homes.

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