- u p d a t e -

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Hey guys! Idk if y'all saw what I wrote on my board a while ago so I thought it'd be best to say it here instead!

My finals are coming up next week and I have 0 time to work on this ff, which is why I haven't updated in so long :((

Again, I'm truly sorry I didn't say anything here earlier and I promise after my finals I'll continue writing this story :)

+ Maybe after I finish this, I'll be working on a yoonmin ff 👀 so ye keep an eye out for that if you ship yoonmin :3

Also!!! I'm so close to 200 followers this is insane diisidjsjxnsjxkksjdns I love y'all sm and thank you for being so patient with me 💞

So yeah that's about it for this little update :3 goodbye and have a nice day / afternoon / night! ♡


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