Chapter 1 - Meet Sophia

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I suddenly stirred up when I heard a loud noise coming from the other room. Tears pricked my eyes, I am scared. I stood up, went to the door as slowly and as quietly as I can, trying to figure out what is happening. Then all of a sudden, my door burst open and I slammed hard against the wall.

"Where are you? Where are you little b*tch?"

I held my breath, I didn't move. I am scared, I hugged myself. I started sobbing, then she realized where I am.

"Come here you bastard!" She pulled me up to stand, but once she let go of me, I ran into the corner, my back against the wall. She was holding something: a bottle? A bat? I can't see it clearly.

"What do you think you're doing? You're hiding from me?" she laughs. My heart is racing. "You can never hide from me, I will always find you. I can assure you that I will always find you..."


I woke up, sweating like a pig. I looked at my clock, its 4:00 am. I put my palm in my face, breathing heavily. Why, why now. Oh my god not again..

 I hurriedly went to the kitchen for some water. My house is small, perfect for just one person. It is more like a studio type, the living room connected to the dining area, it has a small kitchen, one bedroom and one bath. I have been living here for the past 10 years of my life. Looking around I felt really sad that I have to move to another state. I don't want to leave my home, but I have to.

I prepared  some eggs, milk and bread. I decided to make french toast for breakfast. Afterwards, I took a shower and dressed up for the day. Its only 6:00 am, I know it will be rude to visit so early.

I took out my iPod and laptop, shuffled through all my songs, then I finally picked one. The Script started to fill my ears..

"Going back to the corner where I first saw you

Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I am not gonna move.."

I checked my email then Facebook. I was shocked to see 31 notifications, all with the same words..

"Congratulations Sophia! Wishing you all the best."

"Happy graduation girl! Congrats, I'll see you around."

" Congratulations! Let's party!"

I am too tired to answer each and one of them. I am not really in the mood. I am starting to think now that maybe I am not really happy to graduate high school. How pathetic of me.

At 8 am I decided to leave. I locked the door behind me and started to walk. It’s a bit sunny outside but the air feels good. I know I will enjoy this walk, besides, it’s only 5 blocks away..


I knocked on the door a couple of times, still no answer. Am I too early, I think to myself. I sat down on the patio, waiting. I looked up in the sky, the clouds are really pretty. One looks like a turtle, the other one like a flower. What a beautiful day I thought. I stared at it for a good 3 minutes.

"Penny for your thoughts?'

"Frank!" I shouted as I gave him a tight hug. Oh how I missed him!

Captain Frank Schmitt has been my guardian since I was 8. He is a really big guy, with white hair and beard. I used to call him "Santa Frank" and his eyes will disappear as he smiles. He will always visit me at my house, sometimes he sleeps over and tuck me in to bed. It was unfortunate that I could not live with him since his wife doesn't want to. I never really thought that she liked me ever since I was a kid.

"What's wrong my dear?" he asked. I must have hugged him pretty tight. I need this now, I need to know that I am safe.

"I'm fine." Ofcourse that was a lie.

"No, you are not. Look at me. Have you been sleeping?"

"Uhmmm.. No." Now that is true. Even before I graduated and got accepted to one of the top schools in New York, I have been very anxious. For 2 weeks now I am lucky if I can sleep for 4 hours, then these past few days I’ve been having those nightmares..

“Sophia!” shouted Alex. Alex is Frank’s only son, and we are close. He’s been close to me since we were kids.

“Alex! I am so happy to see you. I missed you!” I said as I hugged him.

“Congratulations by the way. When are you planning to leave?”

“Classes will start next week. I think I’ll leave on Friday.”

“That’s 2 days from now. If you need any help just let us know.” Frank said.

“Can we send you off?” Alex asked.

“That is so sweet, but I think I’ll just cry. That is why I’m here today.”

“Let’s go inside then. I’ll cook your favorite.” For me, Frank cooks the best Mac N’ Cheese. I plan to spend the whole day here. We talked and shared stories about graduation, laughing. For the first time in a long time I feel relaxed again. This is what I need. Sadness fills my heart again.

Alex started telling stories about their after-grad party, blabbering about people and stuff that I am not interested in. I just stared at him, his lean body, Mohawk haircut, square face and deep blue eyes.

“Hey, are you alright?” He said as he snapped me from my trance.

“I’m just going to miss my bestfriend.”

He hugged me, as I tried holding back my tears.

“You’re going to be alright. Besides, I can visit you at your university and you’re still gonna visit us right?”

I smiled, “But of course.”

Frank watches us, his smiling but he’s eyes are sad.

At 9:00 pm I bid them goodbye. I thought Frank was going to cry as I hugged him. I reassured both of them that I will call and visit as often as I could. As soon as I started walking back home I feel like crying, thinking of how much I am going to miss them and how I am going to be alone for the next few years. I am starting to doubt my decision of leaving.

Will everything be alright and turn out as I expected? Am I really going to be okay? Am I ready?

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