Chapter 5 - Home Alone.. Or Not!

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Early upload. :) I enjoyed writing this chapter, hope you enjoy too. Thank you Babe for helping me edit this.


“Just a second.”

I found myself in front of Riley’s door. For some reason I can’t stop thinking about what happened in the bar and the diner, and I know I owe him a decent apology. And, I just wanted to see those eyes again.

“Hey you.” He said as the door opened.

“Hi.” I said, smiling. Oh fudge, I’m already infected with his constant smiling. But I can’t help it as I stared into his eyes. “May I come in?”

“Sure.” I entered his room. It looks the same as my room, except of some band posters in the wall and something on the middle that looks like a gaming area.

“You like games?” I asked.

“Yeah. It’s my pastime, something to forget how cruel the world is outside.”

“Something to forget cruelty huh?” I said as I show him his CD’s of Modern Warfare, Call of Duty and Diablo. He just answered me with a laugh.

“How did you find out..”

“Oh. Well you are not hard to find. It seems that you are quite popular in this building.” I said, smirking. Well that was a lie. I asked the office what room he’s staying, said that he left something in the classroom and I would like to personally return it to him. Sometimes I’m scared of myself on how natural and easy it is for me to make up some “stories” as I call it. Well, I’m a very private person and I don’t like to talk about my childhood. So when people don’t stop pestering me about where my parents are or why do I live alone or why do I have scars in my body, I just tell them a lie to shut them up.

“Haha, that’s funny.” He said, his green eyes gleaming.

“I just wanted to apologize on what I did to you at the bar. I’m sorry if I have humiliated you in anyway. But please, stop sneaking and startling people. You might get killed.”

“Why? That’s my special talent! You know it will be useful once I become part of the law enforcement.”

“So you’re dad’s a cop?” I asked.

“Something like that.”

“Well I have to go now.” I said as I make my way to the door.

“Wait. You asked around about me and came here into my room just to apologize?”

I just smiled at him. Before I shut the door, I took one last glance at him and said, “By the way, it is Sophia.”


I like staying inside the room, reading a book or listening to music. And I haven’t been outside since I woke up yesterday morning; I just don’t feel like it. Besides, I have a heater here inside, why should I go out? I just wanted to curl up in bed and do nothing. I occasionally go outside to smoke, but it was just 5 minutes tops.

I am thinking on how I should spend Christmas, which is 2 days from now anyway, when someone knocked on my door. Honestly, I feel so lazy to get up and answer it. It took all of my courage to stand up and open the door.

“ALEX!” I think I broke his eardrum as I hugged him. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I thought I’ll pay you a visit, thank you very much.”

“Oh my, I’m so happy to see you! Where’s Frank? And your mom?”

“They’re on their way to Gran. I told them I’ll visit you first before I go there. By the way, I bought some ice cream and DVD. Movie night!” he declared.

“Ice cream? Really?” I said sarcastically.

“Yes, ice cream. May I?” He said. I let him in and took the paper bag he’s carrying. I saw a tub of Rocky Road ice cream and Home Alone DVD.

“Wow, ice cream and Home Alone. You’re so cruel.” I said to him.

He just laughed, “Why? That movie is hilarious. Besides, I’ll be spending the night here so you’re not going to watch Home Alone by yourself.”

Well, he’s right. I loved this movie, but ever since I lived alone I stopped watching it. It makes me feel bad, to be honest.

“Alright.” I said as I scoot over beside him. I placed the ice cream on his lap and turned on the TV. We stayed that way until it was finished, both the ice cream and the movie. It felt good having Alex here with me.

“I have a gift for you.” Alex said as I turned off the TV.

“Really?” I said, I’m really excited. “Oh sh*t! F*ck! I forgot to buy you gifts.”

“It’s okay Sophia.” He said. Then he took out something from his pocket.

“What is this? A pen?” I asked.

“Open it.” And I did as I was told. I ripped the gift wrap and took out a rectangular box. My jaw dropped when I saw what’s inside. It’s a necklace with my name on it.

“Merry Christmas Sophia!”

“Oh  my god Alex. I, I..” I’m really speechless. I hugged him tightly. I let out a small tear, I’m really happy right now.

“Allow me.” He said. I turned my back on him and he secured the necklace on my neck. I hugged him again.

“Thank you so much Alex!”

“You’re very much welcome Sophia.” He smiled. “I bought this a few months back, after you left. I knew it, it looks perfect on you.”

“I miss you so much. I miss Frank.”

“We miss you too. It hasn’t been the same without you.”

We spent the whole night catching up. He actually did all the talking, since I am really not much of a talker. He told me everything about his school, his new friends, the parties, his plan of joining a fraternity, potential girlfriends, etc. He asked me how was my first few months in the university and I just told him that it was great, discussed to him my subjects and professors, and also about Rebecca. We barely slept, it’s actually a 1 hour nap before Alex bid me goodbye.

“If you can visit me more often I would really appreciate it.” I said to him.

“Well, once I have a hot girlfriend with a hot car I would definitely visit you.”

I laughed. I gave him a last hug and stood by the door while he goes downstairs. I didn’t notice that I’m crying now. I was about to close the door when a hand stopped it.

“Sophia, are you alright?” Riley said. I was not expecting to see him. I feel so humiliated, I don’t know why. I just nodded. He entered the room as I make my way into the bed. I just wanted to lie down and hug my pillow.

“You don’t look okay. What happened? Is that your boyfriend?” He asked.

“No.” He suddenly sat down at the edge of my bed. I looked into his eyes, those shining green eyes of his. It feels like I was lost inside of them. The next thing I knew is he lied down beside me and hugged me.

I couldn’t move my arms. I wanted to slap him, but I can’t. I have never been this close to a guy, heck I never had a guy in my bed before. I don’t know how to react. But somehow in the back of my mind I know I needed it, I needed someone to be with me now. I never felt so alone, and lonely.

“Thank you.” I said to him as I close my eyes.

“Tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“Why are you crying?”

I ignored the question instead I just stared at the ceiling. I don’t know much about him and I am not comfortable sharing anything with him. Oh wait! He’s at your bed right now, dum-dum!

“You’re not much of a talker are you?” he asked.

That comment made me smile. I looked into his eyes again, and did the unexpected.

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