Chapter 10 - "Exclusively" Seeing Each Other

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Hello everyone. Here's the new chapter! I am so excited writing these past few chapters and I think this is longest one I wrote so far. Anyway enjoy! :) And by the way, I love the new Wattpad app! :D

This is dedicated to itsgottabeyouuu_, aside from being such a darling (she made the cover for this story, check it out), she is also an awesome writer. I am currently reading her story and I love it. Check it out: Thank you guys!


I have spent every day of the past 2 weeks with Lee. He would walk me to classes in the mornings and we also have dinner every night. He gave me a bouquet of tulips for Valentine’s Day, and I loved it. Being with him makes me happy; we talked and got to know each other. He told me stories about his childhood, about his family. I told him about Frank and Alex, and how I was, no, how I am. Well I’m still the same me except now I am more talkative but only with Lee and Becca. I am still not comfortable being around with other people.

“Hey there.” Lee said as he walked into my table at Charlotte’s, our favorite place. I greeted him and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Well yes, we’ve been kissing, or making out if you would like to put it that way, but he respected that I don’t want to go further than that.

“How’s your day?” I asked.

“Good. Nothing much happened; I think I’m just excited to play later.” He answered with a smile. His band “The Fiasco” plays at Ricky’s Bar and Grill every Fridays and Saturdays, and I am looking forward to watching him again later. “By the way, I talked to my dad about Becca’s request, and he agreed to meet you guys on Sunday.”

“I’m sure Becca will be delighted.” I smiled, then I realized what he just said. “Wait, I’m invited?”

“Yes. I wanted to introduce you to my parents.”

“No, Lee, no.” I stood up and walked outside of Charlotte’s. I will be honest, I am freaking out!

“Hey!” He said as he grabbed my arm. “Do you know how many times have you walked out on me in this diner?”

I can’t speak. I just looked at him, panic in my eyes. I am having hard time breathing. “Lee..” My voice was exasperated.

Lee immediately went inside Charlotte’s and grabbed me a glass of water. He hurriedly gave it to me and I took a sip. When I felt that I had my voice back, I said to him,” You can’t introduce me to your parents.”

“Why not?”

“Because that only means commitment, and I cannot commit Lee.” I said. I didn’t expect what Lee did next. He hugged me and he whispered, “It’s okay, it’s okay. If you don’t want to go, then don’t.” He cupped my cheeks with his hands and he softly kissed me. “Now let’s go and get some dinner before we go to the bar alright?” I nodded and I let him guide me back inside the diner.

The night went great and after his work, Lee and I went back to my room where we saw Rebecca and Henry sleeping together, naked, as usual. I asked Lee if I can stay the night at his room. Luckily, his roommate is not there.

“I’m sorry Lee if I freaked out on you earlier.” I said to him as we lay in his bed.

“It’s okay Sophia.”

“I just, I don’t know if I can handle being in a relationship. I mean, I enjoy being with you, a lot. But, there are many things about me that hinders me. Can we take it slow? One day at a time?”

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