Chapter 9 - And He's Back!

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Thank you for the support! Here is the new chapter, hope it's long enough. Also check the video link on the side, I am currently obsessing with this song. :)  Fan, vote and comment. Enjoy! And lastly, this chapter is dedicated to XxSassyCynicxX because she is such a great writer. Please check out her story Dumped! here: :)


It’s been 5 weeks and 3 days since I last saw him, not that I’m counting though. Becca has been asking me about him for these past few days, because of her paper. I told her she should try and get an appointment with the Commissioner, she said she already tried but his assistant keeps on telling her that he is unavailable.

I took my laptop and decided to google Commissioner Evan Belford. He has been the Commissioner of New York for 4 years, and he is a close friend of the Mayor. People love him, and he does a great job. Apparently the crime rate in New York decreased, and cases that were long unsolved were closed under his management. On the other hand, his mom. Rosemarie Belford, is a well known movie producer in Hollywood based here in New York. The Belford’s are extremely rich, their relatives are well known as well on other states. But Commissioner Belford prefers to keep a low profile. So that’s why Lee owns a Cabriolet. And I didn’t know this because I was so isolated back in Georgia I didn’t even watch the television. I was browsing their family history and pictures in Wikipedia when I heard a knock. I put down the laptop on the bed and opened the door.

Once I opened it two arms pulled me into a hug. I didn’t need to look who it was, I knew it was Lee. He kissed the side of my temple.

“I missed you Sophia.” He let go of me, and I just stared at him. It’s been over a month since I last saw him, since I last kissed him, since I last saw his eyes. I put my hand on his cheek, staring in awe of his green and blue eyes.

“May I come in?” He asked. I opened the door and stepped aside as a gesture for him to come in. I closed the door and I saw him standing, his eyes widen as he saw what is on the screen of my laptop.

“So, this is what your dad does?” I asked.


“Why didn’t you tell me?” He just shrugged. I don’t think he wanted to talk about it, but then he said. “I don’t know. Being known as a Belford and as the son of the Commissioner and a producer is tough. I guess I’m just tired of people being around me because of those facts. I just wanted something real.”

I was surprised by his answer, I didn’t expect him to answer that question actually. “Do you think I’m real?” I asked him.

“Sophia, you are the realest person I’ve ever met. You’re beautiful, kind, sweet, and at the same time you’re mysterious. There is something about you that draws me in.” He replied. I don’t know why, but I felt my heart grew 10x bigger. I smiled at him.

“What happened? I mean the family emergency?” I asked.

“Oh. My mom gave birth to the cutest little sister in the world. She had a Caesarian section so we stayed there for awhile.” He then showed me a picture of him carrying a little baby in his arms. I assumed it was a girl.

“She’s pretty.” I said.

“I know. Reena Avery Belford.”

“That is a lovely name.” As I say it, Becca came in the room laughing about something with Henry.

“Oh, Sophia, I didn’t know you have company.” Becca said.

“Becca, I would like you to meet Riley Belford. Lee, this is my roommate Rebecca and her boyfriend Henry.”

“Oh my god! Riley Belford? The Riley Belford? It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Becca shook Lee’s hand enthusiastically. Henry did the same.

“Becca would like to ask you something Lee.” I said.

“Yes, yes. Riley, I would like to have an interview with your dad. It’s for a project. I tried to get a hold of him but his secretary told me he’s unavailable. I hope you can help me.” Becca said.

“Uhmm. We just got back from Paris, but I’ll try to talk to him about it.” Lee replied.

“Really? Thank you so much!” Becca hugged Lee, and it couldn’t be more awkward, it’s a good thing Lee is a gentleman.

“Alright Becca let him breathe.” I said and Becca let him go.”Come on Lee let’s leave these two lovebirds.” I said and I grabbed his hand. I hugged Becca and she whispered, “We are so going to talk about this later.” I let out a small laugh as Lee opened the door for me.

“So, where are we going?” I asked Lee.

“I thought you asked me out?” He replied and I laughed. “Well that’s a first.”

“What is?” I asked.

“You, laughing.” He said and I think I blushed.

“Well I guess I missed you too.” I said shyly.

“Alright.” He said nodding. “I have an idea. Come on.” He said grabbing me and walking fast. I think he dragged me all the way to the bar where we first met.

“What are we doing here?” I asked.

“I’m trying to be romantic.” He said smiling. “I’m working tonight, and I want you to be here with me.” He wrapped his hand into mine and we walked inside the bar. He led me to one of the seats and he said to the bartender. “She’s with me, give her anything she wants.” He then kissed my cheek and said that he will be back.

Suddenly the music on the bar stopped, and people went quiet as if they are anticipating something. Then 2 guys walked into the stage setting up their instruments. My jaw dropped when I saw Lee climbed up the stage.

“Hello everyone. Thank you so much for your continuous support, I can see familiar faces in the crowd tonight. We are The Fiasco and I hope you all guys enjoy.”

The band then started playing “The Freshmen” by The Verve Pipe.

“When I was young I knew everything

And she a punk who rarely ever took advice

Now I'm guilt-stricken, sobbin' with my head on the floor

Stopped a baby's breath and a shoe full of rice, no.”

Lee’s voice is beautiful, and I can feel all of his emotions as he sing. It was beautiful, enchanting, and I was left in awe. They played 5 other songs and then they left the stage as they finished their first set.

“Hey there handsome.” I greeted him.

“How was it? By the way, this is Cameron and Richard. Guys, meet Sophia.” He introduced me to his band mates and I shook their hands. They excused themselves as they went to, I think, their dates.

“So Riley Belford, you sing, you dance well, and I am guessing you’re good at video games. Is there anything that you are not good at?” I said to him, smirking.

“You liked it huh?”

“Yes.” I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

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