Wolf Eyes IV

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Sawyer POV.

I arrived at school a few minutes before I saw Katherine and Morgan step inside. They weren't alone though.

They were accompanied by a tall, lean but still buff, tan guy.

He was very close to Morgan. A bit too much for my liking.

They were laughing up a goddamn storm at they walked through the hall. They walked to Morgan's locker and he leaned against the locker next to hers.

I wonder if they're dating? Maybe he wasn't here yesterday.

Katherine returned to the group after going to her locker and started talking as Jenna and Max joined them.

Max and Jenna both gave him a hug before continuing to talk.

Look at um. The perfect little group.

I saw one of the juniors stop next to them and ask him a question.

That's when I decided to walk over to them.

"Hey." I say simply.

Morgan turns to me, "Hey Sawyer," She says and her eyes lit up.

I look at the guy, "And you are?"

He laughed and I saw that he had dimples like Morgan but not as deep.

"Issac." He said simply.

He then turned to Morgan, "What do you have first?"

"Ummm... Maths I think."

"What branch.?"


He then mumbled, "Moon Goddess  save me."

He's a werewolf.

How did I not pick that up?

Morgan didn't pick up on his mumbling though.

I turned back to her, "Hey, can I talk to you? Really quickly?"

"Ugh, Sure." She said trying to hand her book to Issac.

"Hold this."  She told him.

"Ugh no thank you." He said disgusted, "I'd rather not associate with the likes of 'Maths'."

"Dude just take it." She says shoving it at him.

"Fine," he says holding it by the corner.

She rolls her eyes and walked over with me.

Why did I do this? What are we gonna talk about?

"What is it?" She spoke up.

"Ermm, the guy, does he go to
school here?"

"Issac? No. He's in college actually."

"Then why is he here?"

"Why is that any of your business?" She snapped and walked away.

Wha... what did I do?

It was near the end of the day now. He had gone to every class with her. It really bugged me. He would sit beside her and they'd laugh and giggle during each class. I just wanted to strangle him.

And it's obvious that he's just using her, he's a wolf he has a mate somewhere out there, but it's not Morgan because she's mine.

I think I lost all of my patience at the end of English, just before Science.

The bell had rung and we were all packing up when Issac wrapped his arm around Katherine and started to flirt with her.

I mean come on. At least act like Morgan is in the room.

After most of the class had left I stalked over to them and looked straight at Issac.

"Could we have word?" I say my eyes probably turning black slowly.

He smirked at me and nodded.

"Issac?" Morgan said.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Don't hurt him." She said patting his shoulder and smiling at me.

"Why would I?" He smirked.

"You always find a reason." She says walking backwards out the class.

Once she left he started the conversation.

"Let's get this over with, Morgan's your mate right?" I nodded. "Well She's my sister and Katherine's my girlfriend, but don't let Morgan know, we haven't told anyone."

I was stunned.

"How did? How did you-"

"Let's call it intuition. Anywho, I'm going to Science." He said clapping my back before leaving.

What the hell is up with these McCoys?

It was science now. At least in this class I get to sit next to Morgan.

But he's still there.

Even though I know it's her brother it still bugs me how they sit and giggle at incoherent words.

Then it got eerily quiet. No giggling. I looked over confused to see Morgan staring into space with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"Morgan?" Issac and I say at the same time.

She turned her head and looked at Tegan. They looked as though they were having a silent conversation- both wearing the same expression.

A few seconds later, all that was heard was their deafening screams.

I'm soooooo sorry about the short chapter. I wanted this one to be short so you would be "excited" for the next one.

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