Wolf Eyes Chapter XI

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Sawyer's POV

A few days had passed between the gala and Today. Morgan and Thatcher were oddly close almost attached at the hip. Her brother Issac was also not hanging around anymore, instead Trevor would come and check on her between every period.

Today I walked into school and was given a black pin to put on my shirt. To remember those who died during 9/11.

When Morgan entered everyone stared at her and she held her head down not looking up.

Since Thatcher was constantly around her I tapped him while he was looking for something in his bag "What's going on? Why is Morgan upset?"

"It's her birthday." He simply answered before pulling a small box out of his bag and walking towards her.

'Oh wow.' Ivor said, 'We didn't even know. Maybe we should get her something?' He asked but it was more of a statement.

'It's kinda late for that.' I replied.

'Maybe we can be more simple. You know take her out or something.'

'Like she'd let us.' I snorted.

'Oh. My. Goddess. SAWYER WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING, IT'S HER BIRTHDAY! It never hurts to ask.' He sounded upset.

'Fine. I will.'

I watched as Morgan hugged Thatcher and placed the bracelet he got her on her wrist. Above a long sleeved shirt.

Now that I think of it, i have only ever seen her wear long sleeves which was a bit weird especially in the California heat and with her being originally from England and all.

When Thatcher came back I scuffed him. Hard.

"Why didn't you tell me about her birthday you asshole." I whispered yelled since she was only across the hall.

"I'm sorry. It slipped my mind. There's been a lot to process lately."

"Like what?" I questioned crossing my arms.

"Uhh-" he didn't get to answer when Wyatt walked by.

He opened his mouth to speak but I pushed my hand out towards him. "No." I said and walked away.

"Come on dude it was one kiss."

I turned abruptly, "Was it? Was it really even a kiss? Because Thatcher talked to Morgan and she explained it differently."

His eyes widened, "Ok. Ok. So maybe I played it up a bit."

"Why? You know she's my mate so I don't see why you'd try anything with her."

He hesitated, "Wyatt I asked you a question. Answer me."

"I- I feel left out," he sighed, "You're all older than me and have all done... things..."

"So you were gonna use her to do it?" I felt like snapping his neck.

"She's the only girl that's talked to me." He whispered.

"That doesn't justify it." I sharply answer, "if you ever try anything again I'll end you."

He nodded. You could tell he was scared out of his mind.

As the belI rang I walked away.

I was still debating what to get Morgan. That's when I realised I barely knew her. I mean she's supposed to be my mate and I didn't even know her birthday. I had study hall with some of the freshman, sophomores and juniors; Morgan's brother included.

He was sitting with his friends laughing loudly and eating a sandwich.

You think they'd be quiet seeing as were in a library.

I really was trying to study, no one else that I really knew had study hall with me so I just decided to use it for what it's for; studying.

I refocused my attention on on the book but I just kept rereading the same paragraph.

With a heavy sigh I shut the AP statistics book and rest my head on the table.

"Yo, you good dude?" I looked up to see Morgan's brother, Trevor I believe?

"Yeah mate, I'm fine." I wiped my face with my hand, "But um, your sister, her birthdays today?"

"Yeah, actually that's why I came over here, she's supposed to have a surprise party, Cora planned it. It's out in West Hollywood you and the others are invited." He explained.

I nodded and spoke, "how are you going to get her out to West Hollywood?"

"Julien's problem not mine," He shrugged. I could feel my anger rise and my fist clench when he said his name.

"You really need to take charge with her, she's your mate after all." He answered when he saw my reaction.

"And she's your sister, how would I go about doing that?" I asked.

"Well, don't try too hard, she hates that, she like people who take charge and obviously she wants to be courted, she's not gonna be very easy." He explained.

I nodded, "Oh and she's not 100% okay. But it's not my place to tell you about that unless she says I can. Just look out for these thing," he started, "First she'll scratch her wrist. She's does it a lot so sometimes it can go unnoticed or you my take it for something it's not. Then she'll start to fold her arms over her chest or stomach. And last she'll either excuse herself or completely close off and not speak."

I squinted, "I've seen her scratch her wrist a few times since I've met her."

"Yeah. Be a bit more mindful of it. It only ever means something bad." He smiles small and left back to his friends.

I took my phone out a bit after he left and told everyone the news.

I swear, ever since I met Morgan I've been busy.
Ok. So... this chapter is so boring and short but I need to find a way to get to the juicy yumyum parts that I have planned out in my head and I'm not 100% sure how I'm getting there.

But hey, If you know me you know I'm the queen of procrastination and problem solving.  Btw this chapter was 900+ words and I'm angry it wasn't like 2000+. Anyways.

Kisses -A

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