Chapter 3

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*A/N If you are a homophobic stop reading now, Continue :))*

"Thank you Padmè!" Ahsoka says as we get off the ship and back on the senate floors. She smiles and says "No problem now you guys should be getting back to the temple." I nod and we run down the hallways and back to the speeders. "Oh I love Coruscant!" Ahsoka says as I pull in the temple hangar. "I do to, but Mandalore will always be my favorite." Ahsoka smiles and we walk back in our rooms. "Here hand me your hood, I'll hang it up." I say she smiles and I hang up her hood with mine, "I hope they didn't realize we went out." Ahsoka says I smile and say "They probably thought that we went looking around the temple." She nods and Anakin looks in "Oh good grief! We thought you were at lunch." He says I look back at Ahsoka and she is laughing. "What's so funny?" He says I smile and say "We need to get Master Kenobi in here." He looks confused but says "Okay?" Then walks out. I burst out laughing and Ahsoka says in her best Anakin imitation "Oh good grief!" I laugh even harder and soon they both come in, I take a deep breath and say "Okay we completely disobeyed you." Dad gives me his dad glare but to everyone else it's a Master glare "Ahsoka and I went to Tatooine and got information while you two were fighting like children." Ahsoka laughs and then Anakin gives her the master glare. There's a difference... I can tell. "Why did you go to Tatooine?" Anakin asks I smile and say "We went to get information from Jabba, which he gave. Cad Bane is in one of the inner rim planets with Two Zabraks one red and one yellow." Obi wan steps back a bit and I look at him confused. His hand is covering his mouth and that is a look that I don't like... it means he knows the person. "We need to go to the council." He says I nod and walk with Anakin, Ahsoka, and dad to the council.

"Mandalore say you? Hmm very interesting. Jinn go she must, know more about Mandalore she does." Master Yoda says, I nod and Yoda continues "Obi-wan go to you must. Watch the padawan you will." Dad nods and I smile, "Master Yoda, should Ahsoka and I come along?" Anakin says, don't get me wrong I love those two like family but I would like some time as a dad daughter thing. Yoda looks around the council and Mace Windu speaks "Honestly I think Anakin and his padawan should go but stay on the ship, that way they are there if in need of backup." I nod and Plo Koon says "That seems like the Most logical thing to do." I smile and Yoda says "Beautiful smile, you have." I smile more and say "Thank you Master Yoda." He nods and says "Go you must, save Mandalore you will." We nod and walk out of the council room "Well let's go." Anakin says "Wait, if we are going to Mandalore we don't want anyone else knowing we are there. We must look like Mandalorians." I say they nod and I turn to Ahsoka "I have something that could fit you." She smiles and I say "Come back looking like Mandalorians." And I walk off with Ahsoka.

"Don't get me wrong, I love these dresses but I was wondering if you had any pants or something." I smile and say "I knew you would say that, so that's why I have this..." I pull out my old Mandalorian armor from the back and toss it to Ahsoka. "There you go, now I'm going to step in and get changed." She nods and I step in the closet and shut the door. I grab my dark blue crop top, royal blue mini skirt, and purple boots. I pull my hair into a messy ponytail and step out. "Well don't you look Mandalorian." Ahsoka says laughing I laugh and say "Well I am a Mandalorian." She smiles and I grab my seashell earrings mom gave me, I look at Ahsoka and take a deep breath. "I- I like your Boots." I say she smiles and sits down next to me. Then she does something I would've never thought she would do: she takes my face in her hand and presses her lips to mine. On the inside I'm freaking out she likes me! She likes me!! And on the outside I kiss her back. We break apart and we laugh. We laugh until we hear a knock on the door. We stand up and walk to the door. "Well don't you look sharp SkyGuy." Ahsoka says, I laugh as Dad and Anakin are there in Mandalorian armor. "Ha ha very funny snips." I laugh and Dad says "Well it looks like Jinn is fit for her coming home party." I smile, everyone knows I'm from Mandalore, I'm the only one here in the temple who is so it's not hard to spot me in a crowd. "Well let's hope it's a good one." I say dad smiles and says "I sure hope it is. Let's go." I smile and we walk to the ship.  

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