Chapter 14

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I bite my tongue and walk in the opposite direction. "You said you wouldn't run away!" Ahsoka says I put my hands up, still not facing her, and say "I'm walking not running." he laughs and that's something I haven't heard in a really long time. So I turn around and face him. I look up to the sky and say "You really suck you know that right." he smiles and I look back to the speeder and then back to him. I just stand there and everyone but Ahsoka are staring at me. Ahsoka is laughing really hard and I just sit there.... "Ahsoka you suck." I say and she just laughs even harder. "C'mon old man." I say then I bolt to the speeder pulling on my hood.

"I know you're faster than that!" I yell behind me "C'mon Jinn! You got the faster speeder!" I laugh and say "Awww am I faster than the great Obi-Wan Kenobi!" He laughs and says "Jinn Kryze Kenobi you know I am faster." "Are we doing full names now?" I ask he laughs and says "No Jinn we aren't." I laugh and slow down at a diner. "I don't think that you've ever told me where my name came from Dad." I say getting off, he smiles and says "I'll tell you when we get inside." I nod and we walk inside the diner... It's not bad but I like Dex's diner more. "Two alderaan cheeseburgers please." Dad says I smile and the man nods and dad slides some credits on the table then we sit down in the corner. "So you wanted to know where your name came from?" I nod and he says "Alright... So every Jedi had a master. I was really close to mine-" "Wanna buy a death stick?" A man says -who looks like a bug might I add- dad turns to the man and says "You do not want to sell me a death stick." The man nods and says "I do not want to sell you a death stick." He turns to me offering me the box I shake my head and say "You want to go home and rethink your life." He nods and walks away saying "I want to go home and rethink my life." We burst out laughing and then the man with our cheeseburgers comes up. "Thank you." I say he nods and I take a bite. I immediately spit it out. "Blah!" I exclaim, dad puts his down and says "Let's go." I nod and we walk outside. "So my name." I say sitting on the curb. "Right, here I'll give you a short version. So my masters name was Qui-Gon Jinn. He was the greatest! But Darth Maul killed him when Anakin was only seven." I nod and he continues "He died fighting Maul. So when your mother told me she was pregnant with you. I asked if we could name him or her after my master. She agreed and when we had you we named you Jinn in honor of my master." I smile and say "That's wonderful." He nods and says "Master Qui-Gon would be proud of what a great Jedi you have became." I smile and then my com link buzzes "Ghost Seven what do you need?" Dad looks at me confused and I mouth 'Codenames' "Ghost Seven this is Ghost One you need to return now." I nod and say "Copy Ghost Seven out." I shut my com link and jump on the faster speeder. "C'mon don't take the slow one just get on mine." Dad nods and jumps on and I speed down the plains and back to the ghost.

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