chapter five: i'm sick of the good girl, bad boy plotline

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"I hate this school," Faith says setting me the ball and I approach and spike it to her and she digs it and bump it.

"It's fine. We beat them anyway," I remind her.

"I don't care. They play too rough and they're irritating," she complains.

Our coach, Duncan, blows his whistle and calls us over. The whole team jogs over and huddles up.

"We can beat this team. It's no problem. We're playing a 4:2 and Dennison and Winston will be our setters. Make sure you block and dig whatever you don't manage to block. All this team does is hit, hit, hit," Coach says laying out the whole plan. "Wanna call it, Lynn?"

"Jaguars on three! One, two, three..."

"Jaguars!" the whole team shouts.

We go and take our position on the court and they hand me the mall to start the serve. I bounce the balm a few times satisfied with the sound of it hitting the court. I look up and my eyes lock with Noah's. He smirks at me and waves a little bit. He's sitting with my mom! Oh my goodness, my mother? Oh, he's good.

The referee blows the whistle and simple as that the game is won.

After two hours of playing I'm a sweaty and disgusting mess. I grab my water bottle and bag telling my teammates they did a good job. They do the same and I stop in front of my brothers.

"You played sooooo good today Jackie!" Freddy says to me.

"That's bud. I tried."

"Noah is such a sweet boy, Lynn!" my mom explains. "Good game sweetheart."

"He is isn't he?" I force out and he winks at me.

"Hey, Red," he says. "Mind if I take her somewhere, Mrs. Winston?"

"No! By all means, go right ahead. I'm heading home with the boys, Lynn. Stay out as late as you'd like," she tells me and walks away before I have the chance to protest.

"Why are you here?" I ask him.

"Told you, you'd look hot in those shorts," he says and winks.

"I hate that you just made me lose my ride home. Sweet talking my mom?" i ask.

"Well, you wouldn't have agreed to it if I just asked. Plus your mom seemed like that type that sends you where she pleases and you oblige," he explains to me as we get outside. He hands me the helmet off the back of his motorcycle.

"Whatever. Where are we going?" I ask him and wrap my arms around him.

"How about the beach?" he asks.

"I'm in my uniform," i inform him and he laughs.

"So? Who cares? You're in shorts so it's fine," he says and starts the engine.

"Totally not fine!" I yell and I feel his chest vibrate with laughter.

As he drives I can feel the sun heating up as it gets later in th day. It's not as busy by Venice beach as you'd expect it to be on a Saturday afternoon. There's hardly anyone here.

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