chapter twenty-six: so many people that I would pay to have killed right now

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I have so many people that I would pay to have killed right now. 

First of all, I want to kill my mother. Like, I get she is pregnant. It's difficult but I don't remember her being this unbearable when she had the twins, Brian or Chance. She cries at everything. The smallest things like doing laundry or calling our grandma. She bakes an unhealthy amount. All of us play sports and she's going to make us fat. She makes me do everything. I love her but I hate her. 

Secondly, I want to kill my boyfriend. Noah is so invested in basketball that I want to murder him. He lways cancels our plans and whatever. If he doesn't then he makes me play basketball with him. He's leaving in eight months which is going to go by really fast if all we're doing is playing basketball and acting like it doesn't feel like we're growing apart.

We were watching a movie yesterday and usually, we can always agree on a movie but yesterday he suddenly hated popcorn which was so bizarre and hated comedy . Then it turned into this huge argument about absolutely nothing. We argue about nothing. We don't go on spontaneous adventures or anything anymore. It's not excitement. I know relationships aren't all fun but we don't have the spark that used to be there.

Finally, I want to kill Lydia and I think Tonya could agree. She is full on bridezilla. I mean the wedding is in five days. She should have calmed down by now but nope. She is full on crazy. She has made me put on and take off my bridesmaid dress like seven different times. It's driving me insane. 

ON the flipside of all of this craziness, Chance's second round of Chemo worked wonders. The radiation basically illuminated all of the most harmful cancer cells. Mom's stress level went down a level.

Someone knocks on my door and I look up from the report I'm typing. Sully is standing there and I smile at him.

"What's up?"

"Uh, Noah is here to see you. Mom told me not to let him stay long because we're having a family dinner,"Sully says.

"Send him up," I answer.

Sully walks away and a few moments later Noah walks in with a small smile on his lips. I give him a tight smile in return and keep typing.

"What are you doing here? Did we have something planned?" I ask not looking up from my computer.

"Uh, no," he says confused before sitting on the edge of my bed. "I just thought I'd come and see you."

I close my laptop and look up at him. "Sweet, but I have to eat dinner. Maybe before you stop by, call me and make sure I'm not busy."

Noah has ben making me go crazy. Not only with us not spending time together, but these girls...they've been on full send mode. They are like leeches, okay? That's an accurate description. They invite Noah to parties, to the beach, to the drive in. It's annoying. He always says yes and gives them some flirtatious smile and takes me with him. I don't want to see these stupid girls all over my boyfriend. It's sickening.

"Oh, alright. Maybe I can stay?" he asks hopeful.

I stand up and Noah follows me out. "Maybe you should go."

He looks at me. "Are we okay?"

I force a smile and quickly peck him on th lips. "Of course. It's just a family dinner."

"I'll see you at school?" He asks and I nod before walking with him down the stairs and splitting off in different directions.


It's the day. Lydia's wedding is today. It's such an extravagant event, I wouldn't be surprised if half of California knows. Let's just get a little overview of the whole event, shall we?

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