chapter fifteen: they'd assume you had sex in their house

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"Okay, so Lucas and Sanders are out at some party right now. They should be home by curfew. Ricky had to go to Las Vegas for your dad to get this specific model for a car their designing. Derek is working late. Make sure Chance eats the vegetables in his dinner or he gets no dessert. That's final don't sneak it to him. Don't let Brian and the twins get away with playing video games all day. That's not an option. I'm sorry I couldn't get grandma to watch them sweetheart but your father and I have to go," my mom says to me all in one breath.

I was rallied into watching the boys while my parents go to some work thing. The only reason I agreed to do it and skip my second-first date with Noah, is because they're paying me and they were desperate.

"Mom, i've watched them before. Calm down."

"I know I know. I called Dee and she said she'd stop by and keep you company," mom says and pulls me into a hug. "Don't forget its our day tomorrow alright?"

"Yeah, I know. Now go. You're going to be late," I tel her.

"Okay, okay. Boys! I'm leaving!"

All of them come bounding into the room and tackle mom and dad into a hug. They say their goodbyes and they're back to doing what they were doing before.

"Lynn?" Chance asks as I walk with him to the kitchen.

"Yeah, bubba?"

"Do i have to eat those veggies? Mommy's a meanie," he huffs and crosses his little arms of his chest.

"We can throw them away and she'll never know. deal?" i ask him and hold out my hand to him.

"Deal," he agrees and shakes on it before scurrying out of the room.

I smile and shake my head before throwing the leftovers into the microwave for dinner. I sit at the island and pull out my phone.

"I'm here!" I hear Delilah yell before I see her. She comes in with agrin on her face.

"You didn't have to come Dee," I say.

"I'm not staying. As much as I wish I could, I can't. I told your mom I would stop by togive you this," she hands me a bag that has food from my favorite restaraunt in it.

"I love you," I say.

She smiles. "I love you too. Now I have to go but I'll see you Monday."

"Okay, bye!" I call as she races out of the house.

Whhat feels like an infinite amount of hours later, the kids are finlly all asleep. It took an episode of PJ Masks, three books, four sioings, two sippies full of milk, and a cookie to get Chance to sleep. Usually he's really good about going to bed but he's been hving nightmares lately and my parents aren't home so thaty could explain it. I fall back on my bed in exhausten and my eyes fall closed.

Then there's a tapping noise. All I can do is hope and pray it's not coming from Chance at my doorway. I lift my head the slightest amount and peek at the open door that leads to the dark and empty hallway. Huh, so where's the tapping coming from? I look over at the balcony and see Noah there. I smirk at him through the glass and haul myself up to open the door.

I quietly twist the hndle and open the door, "what are you doing here?"

He walks in and places his hands on my hips smiling down at me. "I decided to bring our date to you."

He bends down and connects his lips with mine and I smile against them. "You didn't have to."

"Oh, but I wanted to. Trust me, I wasn't going to let our second-first date go to waste," he tells me and walks back to the balcony waving me over.

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