chapter nineteen: we're all a little crazy

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It's a rainy day. A rainy warm day. Monday. It's the first day my parents are leaving me since the incident. They tried to convince me to let all of my brothers stay home and have my grandma come and watch me. It's been three weeks. I've calmed down a bit. Noah still stays with me every single night. I tell him I don't need him there but he knows me too well. I told mom that I'll have Beck, Ray, Lydia, Tonya, Jax (we fixed and smoothed everything over because of the wedding and all), and Noah. Leah is also coming because we've gotten closer and she's been dating Ray for months. Mom agreed. I was surprised but she trusts Noah. She knows he'll keep me safe.

My parents are only leaving to meet with the best lawyer they can find for me. There's a trial now. Apparently, I'm not the only girl which makes me feel less alone. There's three of us who were raped and four who were sexually assaulted. Leah is one of them which surprised me. The court date is December 5 which is eleven days from now. I haven't seen him since. He's in juvie right now. It's where he belongs. 

Sanders and Lucas are on their senior retreat. Noah skipped it. He wanted to be here for me. Derek took his fiance on a special trip before their wedding at the end of next month. Ricky is going with mom and dad. The twins, since it's Thanksgiving break, were invited by their friends to go on a vacation to Orlando, Florida for a week. Brian went to my grandma's with Chance. Sanders and Lucas wanted t stay but I told them not to. It took enough effort to get them to stop sleeping in my room.

"Honey, I will have my ringer on at all times. I know it's a different time zone and everything but just call me and I'll be there to come back home. We'll only be gone for two days and we'll come back the night before Thanksgiving," she holds my arms and forces a smile before giving me a bone-crushing hug. "I love you, Lynnie."

"I love you too, mom," I say and hug her back.

"Sweetheart, if something suspicious happens, call the police first. Then call us. You'll be safer," dad says and hugs me smoothing my hair down. "I love you."

"Okay, I love you too."

Dad moves away from me and looks at Noah. "Keep her safe."

Noah nods. "Yes, sir."

With that, they're gone. As the front door opens with my parents walking out, Lydia, Jax, Tonya, Ray, and Beck walk in.

"Hey, guys," I say in a small voice.

"Hey, J. How are you?" Beck asks me.

I shrug. "I'm okay. You guys can put your stuff in the spare rooms upstairs."

"Is it okay if I share a room with Beck?" Tonya asks holding his hand.

"Same with me and Jax?" Lydia asks. They became very close very quickly. The next thing you know they were dating and Lydia as proudly wearing that ring on her finger.

"Yep," I say. "Where's Leah?"

"She's running late she said she'll be here though," Ray says and I nod.

"Well you know where the guest rooms are," I say to Lydia and Tonya and they nod their heads and the boys follow them upstairs.

"Are you okay? You seem a little shaken up," Noah asks.

I look up at him and smile. 'I'm perfect."

They cme back downstairs and we cook popcorn while failing tremendoudly at making root beer floats. We sit down in the movie room and end up watching two movies.


A few hours pass and now it's dark outside. It's still raining and we're all getting bored. Leah got here an hour ago. 

"Come on," Lydia says getting up. When no one follows she turns around.

"Get up," she says in a more stern voice and we get up and follow her out the front door not bothering to put on shoes.

I stop under the canopy under the porch because it's still raining outside but Lydia keeps walking and she twirls in the rain.

"Lydia!" I shout. "What are you doing?"

"Living life, dummy. Come on!"

"You're crazy," I yell laughing.

"We're all a little crazy."

"I'm in," Jax says and takes off his shirt and runs into the rain.

I watch as Leah, Beck, and Ray do the same. Tonya follows their suit and there are screams coming from the girls. Happy screams. 

"You coming Red?" Noah asks me and I look at him and then back at our friends.

I smile and run out there with him. We're all just dancing around listening to the song of life play in our heads as we kick the water around at each other in the street. Noah grabs me from behind and spins me around cause me to squeal. He places me down and looks at me for a second breathing heavily. He pushes the wet hair from out of my face. I laugh and smile at him and he smiles at me before colliding his lips with mine. My hands dig into his hair and my body grinds against his a little. I haven't kissed him in three weeks. Not since Dennis. Boy, was I stupid to do that because I miss his lips on mine. I miss being this type of close to him. This boy means the world to me. He'd do anything for me and I for him.

"I miss kissing you," I whisper and nudge his nose with mine.

I catch his white grin flashing in the darkness. "I missed it too," he whispers back.

He dips his head again and puts his lips on mine and not hesitating to slip his tongue into my mouth. He grabs my thighs and lets me wrap my legs around his torso. I don't even notice that he walks us inside and upstairs. I do realize when he lays me down on my bed. He uses his arm to support himself above me. He continues the frenzied kiss that we are immersed in. He only pulls away when I start reaching for the edge of his shirt,

"Lynn, are you--I mean. After what happened a-are you sure about this?" he asks in a low voice and I nod.

He sits up and pulls off his shirt and I watch him with every move he makes I sit up myself and take off my own shirt and he looks at me. I slide off my running shorts and he takes of his own shorts too.

"You're so fucking perfect," he whispers before planting his lips on my neck and I groan involuntarily. 

He kisses me everywhere and it just feels so much more intimate then what Dennis did to me. I thought I'd never be able to be this kind of way because Dennis ruined it for me. But Noah knows just what to do to keep me from getting freaked out. I wrap my arms around his neck and flip him over so I'm straddling him. I kiss his chest before making my way up to his lips. I feel him unclasp my bra and pull down my underwear and I pull off his.

"Positive when you tell me you're okay?" he asks me again breathing heavy.

"I promise," I whisper.

Behold, the best night of my life.

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