chapter thirteen: a small town in idaho

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Watching her walk down those stairs, smiling, was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Her hair flowed behind her just the way it did at the ball. Her eyes sparkled. The same way they did the night I met her. She had the cutest smile on her face. Her dress contrasted to the one she wore that night which made her natural honey like glow radiate better.

She stops in front i me not taking even a split second to realize her family that's watching the two of us from the doorway. Her eyes lock with mine and for a brief moment she looks at me like i'm familiar. Like she remembers but it goes away and she masks it with a smile. She straightens my tux out with her hands and kisses me quickly.

"You look absolutely amazing," she says.

"You're stunning. Believe me," I tell her. I look past her and at her dad. "What time do you want her home?"

He looks surprised that I asked him but I just want to do this right. I'm not messing this up. i know if I mess this up i'm going to go right back to how I used to be. Sleeping around with no strings attached. And I don't want that especially after Lynn.

"Before midnight," he answers and nods to me with a slight smile.

"Have fun!" her mom calls and Lynn giggles and puts her face in my chest mumbling so thing about that being embarrassing.

I hold her hand with mine and walk her out to the family limo I had my dad lend me for the night.

"Noah, seriously? All of this for a little date? You didn't have to..." she says blushing and grinning at me.

I pull her closer to me and hug her before kissing the top of her head. "Anything for you, Red. Now get in we have a vey fun night."

She smiles and gets in without letting me open the door for her. I chuckle to myself and get in the other side.

"You know I'm supposed to be at the fest tonight right? I'm student council president. I planned the whole thing and—"

"And I told everyone you wouldn't be able to make it," I tell her.

She smirks at me. "You planned this all out didn't you?"

"Down to a science."

"Well, where are we going?" she asks.

"Dinner with my parents," I say casually.

"What? Your parents? That's um I look okay?" she asks and runs a hand through her hair.

"Calm down, Lynn. They're going to love you. My brother is going to be there with his girlfriend too," I tell her.

"Okay..." she says and let's out a breath. I put my hand over hers and she looks down at our hands and back up at me before giving me a smile.

Ten minutes later, we're pulling into the restaurant my dad told me to meet him at. The whole date isn't just dinner. That's d be a waste of a perfectly good date.

Get out of the car and open her door for her. She steps out and holds hands with me as we walk in. My dad, mom, brother and his girlfriend are seated at the table closet to the door. I guide Jaclynn in the direction of the table and stop once we get theee.

"Noah!" My mom exclaims and comes over to kiss me.

"Hi, mom," I mumble and force a smile.

"Who's this dashing young woman?" she asks me gushing at Lynn. Dashing is one word for her.

"This is Jaclynn Winston. Lynn, this is my mom Penelope, my dad David, my brother Johnny, and his girlfriend Danielle," I tell her and introduce her to everyone.

"Hi it's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Reed," she says politely and smiles.

"You're absolutely gorgeous," Dani says as I pull out Lynn's seat and she sits.

I catch her blush as she pushes her hair back behind her ear. "Thank you. You're very pretty too."

"Please, i'm nothing compares to you," Dani charms and winks at her and Lynn laughs.

"It's wonderful for you to join us, Jackie. May I call you Jackie?" My dad asks her.

"Jackie, Lynn, Jaclynn whatever is fine with me."

"Well, were delighted to meet you, Jackie," my dad says. 

"So, Lynn. How'd you meet my brother?" Johnny asks her.

Lynn smirks and gives me a sideways glance and we both laugh. "Let's just say it was not a happy start."

"Noah!" My mom gasps. "Were you rude to this poor girl?"

"Well, yes he was, Mrs. Reed but if anything it was mutual hatred for a while," Lynn says and basically saves my ass.

"Funny story is mom, she hated me. Like an unhealthy amount of hatred," I say leaning my arms on the table.

"Well that's only because you said my voice was annoying," Lynn says in defense.

"Because it was! Like a said annoying old lady from 1990s comedy," I remind her and lean back in my chair and she hits me in the chest and laughs.

"You guys are adorable," Dani says and looks between us.

"I'm glad to see my son has a good influence on him," my dad says. "He didn't have many of those back home."

"Oh, really? Where are you guys from?" Lynn asks and take a bite of bread.

"A small down in Idaho," My mom says happily.

Lynn starts coughing and holding herself up by her hand on the table. "Idaho?"

"Um, yes?" my dad says confused.

She looks over at me and gives me a once over. Her eyes bulge and she scrambled to get up. "I'm so sorry, will you excuse me for a moment?"

Without an answer from either of my parents she's up and running out of the restaurant. She just remembered. She knows it's me. She knows now and she's about to find out I've known it all along.

She knows i'm prince charming.

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