chapter seven:three and a half episodes of grey's anatomy

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"Your hair is so gorgeous. I don't understand why you don't do something with it other that straightening it," Lydia asks me pulling the straightener through my hair.

"I don't want to overdo it. That's all," I explain to her and flick my eyes up to the mirror where I see a completely different person. I never wear makeup but Tonya insisted on doing it before she left twenty minutes ago to go and meet Will.

"It's homecoming. Everyone overdoes it."

"Well, I'm not everyone." I tell her and I see her roll her eyes at me in the mirror.

"Okay, I'm done. I have to go home and change and be there for Mason to get me. Noah will be here in thirty minutes so brace yourself. Oh, and don't forget to talk me up," she reminds me and winks.

"Bye, Lydia!" I say shoving her out of my room.

"Okay, okay I'm leaving. I love you!" she calls.

"Love you too!" I yell.

I go back and look in the mirror at my dress. It's plain and simple but very stunning. It's two separate pieces. The top is a plain floral print halter top and the skirt which stops at the middle of my thigh is lace and high waisted. I paired it off with nude strapy heels. I sit down at my vanity and wait for my mom to call me to tell me Noah is here. I don't want to seem desperate and wait downstairs. That and I want to make an entrance.

"Jaclynn?" I hear Ricky ask me and I turn in my seat and face the door where he's standing with Delilah.

I smile and wave to her and she pushes herself past them and walks in with her mouth hanging open.

"Jaclynn Marie, you look so gorgeous!" she squeals and looks at me with a proud smile on her face. "Your dress is beautiful."

"Thanks Dee," I say blushing a little.

"Guess my little sister isn't so little anymore," Ricky says smiling at me and I laugh.

"I guess not," I tell him with a shrug.

"You look nice, sis," he says with a nod. I know he thinks otherwise and he's just trying to be cool in front fo Dee.

"Did you just tell your obviously stunning sister that she looks "nice"?" Dee asks like she is the one offended. 

"Dee, get downstairs," He says and shoves her out of the room before winkning at me and I stick my tongue out at him.

"I know for a fact you are not leaving the house looking like that," Sanders says entering my room next. What is this place? A bus station?

"What's wrong with the way I look?" I ask.

"First of all I know Jaxon and I know his--"

"I'm not going with Jaxon," I inform him and he looks at me puzzled. 


"I'm not going with Jaxon anymore," I say again.

"Who are you going with? Wait, why aren't you going with Jax?"

I shake my head. "Mr. Halen is making me go with Noah Reed because he's new and stuff. That and I'm the ambassador for new students and whatever."

This lie is just becoming easier and easier to tell to people.

"Noah Reed? He's a good quarterback. Senior right?" Sanders asks.

I nod. "Yep. That would be him."

"Well, I'll see you there, J. Make sure Reed dosn' get any ideas about my little sister okay? I'll ruin him super easy," Sanders informs me.

"Yeah, yeah. Leave," I tell him.

"I'm just watching out for you. Calm down," he says holding his hands up in defense.

"Whatever. I'll see you at the dance, dork," I say and he closes the door. I fix my lipstick in the mirror seeing it's a little too overlined in a spot. I walk over to my bed and ay on my stomach before opening my laptop and beginning to watch a show.


I think it's a problem when I have watched exactly three and a half episodes of Grey's Anatomy and I haven't gotten so much as a call from Noah to say he's here, running late, or something. My mom and dad left for the weekend to go to some business meeting in Boston. Chance is at my grandmother's for the weekend. Brian went with him. Freddy and Sully are at homecoming so are Sanders and Lucas. Derek doesn't live here and I saw Dee and Ricky leave. I'm alone. 

I cried somewhere at the end of episode one because I knew he wasn't coming then. One, because Haley Stien posted a picture of her and Noah in a limo with a bunch of other guys and their dates. He ditched me. Jaxon went with his younger sister because she didn't have a date so I didn't call him.

I'm so pathetic.

I hear the doorbell ring and a puzzled look spreads across my face. I doubt any of those four are home because they're crashing at the after party at Mason's. I walk downstairs whilst kicking off my heels and wiping my mascara from underneath my eyes. I pull myself together and open the door.

It's Noah. Standing there with a fucking smirk on his face!

"Go home, Noah," I say and start closing the door. He presses a hand against it to stop me.

"Come on, Red. Don't be like that," he coos. "I was joking around when I said I liked you. You should have known that. Paul put me up to ask you I just never thought you'd say yes. I was already going with Haley Stien."

"I don't care. You ditched me either way. Go to the after party and have a blast, okay? I'm staying home and taking off this dress and never speaking to you again," I inform him.

"I think you're overreacting, Lynn. It's just homecoming," he says with a shrug and leans against the door.

I open my mouth but the voice I hear is not my own. Lydia is rushing up my driveway and yanking a heel off of her foot and throws it at Noah. She didn't miss if you were wondering. 

"Jesus, Lydia. What the hell?" he yells rubbing the back of his head.

"Don't you dare say what the hell to me, Reed. You're lucky that wasn't a bullet going into the back of your dick head," he threatens and Tonya follows her close behind.

"It's not my fault she takes everything seriously,"Noah defends.

"Shut up and go home asshat," Tonya says as Lydia walks over to me and holds me close to her. 

"Red..." Noah trails off.

I look at him before pulling the girls inside and slamming the door.

"What happened, honey? Why didn't you call us?" Tonya says holding my face and wiping the tears with her thumbs.

"Mr. Halen wasn't making me go. It was my choice when Noah asked me on Monday or something. He begged me and told me he liked me and I was thinking sure why not but now..." I trail off and shake my head.

"I i have ice cream, pizza, a bunch of Nicholas Sparks movies and my undying love for you. Is that enough to make up for you missing hoco?" Lyds asks.

I smile and nods. "Yeah, thanks guys."

"Anytime, love. You know that," Tonya says.

"Come on, let's go change and get fat." Lydia says and pulls the two of us upstairs.

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