chapter eighteen: nobody likes a tease

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I move through people in the crowd and walk into the house. I remember where the bathroom on the first floor is so I head in that direction. Everyone goes upstairs so I just have t wait for whoever is in the bathroom to come out.

"Well, hey princess," I hear an all too familiar voice say to me. I look to my right and see Dennis Sutton looking at me like a rapist.

Dennis Sutton goes to our rivaling school, Westington High. He is known to be overly aggressive on the football and baseball field. He was caught taking steroids not once, not twice but four times. Girls claim that he sexually assaulted them also. He's tried to get me to go out with him before but he gives me the chills. And not the "I'm so in love with him" kind.

"Dennis," I say.

He walks closer to me and I subtly back away. "What are you doing here all alone? Finally, want to have some fun with me?"

"Dennis, I have a boyfriend. Go away," I say in a stern voice.

"Come on, Jackie. I know that's all for show. I know you've wanted me from the moment we met when you were in eighth-grade and I was a freshman," he coos getting closer to me.

He manages to get an arm around my waist and presses me against the wall. My chest is exposed and I feel vulnerable. He dips his head down and starts sucking on a section of my skin.

"Get off of me Dennis!" I yell. I know no one can hear me.

"Mmm, no can do sweetheart. No one likes a tease."

I hear the bathroom door open. I look past Dennis and his hulking body and see it's Lydia.

"Lyds!" I yelp. Dennis moves and presses his body into mine forcing his mouth against mine.

"Jackie? Are you okay! I'm getting Noah," she says and I hear her heels fading away.

"No need. I'll be done before he gets here," He unzips his pants and reaches up my dress. I start screaming and trying my absolute hardest to push him away from me but I'm not strong enough for that. He has his hands on the band of my underwear and starts pulling it down as I cry and cry and cry. He pulls down his own underwear and I close my eyes waiting for the initial contact and when it comes, I scream. I died a little inside. This is how I lost my virginity.

I was raped

"Dennis!" I hear Noah yell. Next thing I know Dennis is yanked off of me and Noah starts beating him in the face. I sink to the ground in the corner and start crying. I pull up my underwear just wanting to burn it.

Lydia and Tonya run up to me and hug me. I don't hug them back I just sit there and cry. Ray and Beck come in an help Noah basically kill Dennis. Dennis looks back. He's bleeding. His face is swelling. That's when I see the twins and Sanders and Lucas running in here. I forgot they were coming tonight. How did they find out?

"Noah, get off of him," Sander says trying to pull Noah off of Dennis.

"But what he did to Lynn..."

"Yeah, it's bad whatever he did was bad. But you're going to kill him," Lucas says.

Lydia and Tonya each grab one of my arms and help me up. I just want to be with Noah right now. If not my brothers then with Noah. Tonya and Lydia, as much as they love me, would only want the gossip end of it. Plus Lyds has her own problems to deal with herself. I look up and see Noah and my brothers through my tear filled eyes. I go towards Lucas, Sanders, and the twins and I hug them and cry.

"Shh, Lynnie. You're safe now. You're fine. You're with us," Sanders says smoothing my hair.

"What happened?" Sully asks.

"I-I..." I choke on my words trying to say them out loud.

"You don't have to tell us now but we do have to tell mom and dad," Lucas says.

"We'll take you home," Sanders says.

"I'll go home but I want to go with Noah and I want him to stay with me for the night," I say.

"Come here, Red," Noah says and pulls me into him. He tucks my head under his chin and I silently cry. He takes off the jacket that goes with his costume and puts it around me.

"We'll handle Sutton. You guys go," Beck says.

"Thanks, man," Noah says to him and picks me up bridal style. 

All of us walk out leaving Beck and Ray with Dennis.

"I just want to sleep, Noah. I want to forget all of this," I cry into his chest. 

"Shh, Lynn don't cry. It kills me to see you cry," he says and sets me down once we're in front of my car. "Where are your key?"

I hand them to him and I get into the back seat with Lydia and Tonya. The whole car ride home was silent. When we get to my house all eight of us walk inside and into the kitchen where my parents are sitting on their laptops doing work.

"Mom? Dad?" Lucas speaks up.

Mom smiles but then frowns once she sees me. "Lynn are you okay? What happened?"

We all sit down and dad and mom look at us.

"A guy made a move on Lynn tonight," Sanders says.

"He completely forced himself on her," Freddy says shaking his head at the thought of his siter going through that.

"I found her when I walked out of the bathroom," Lydia says.

"We rushed in when we heard," Sanders says and gestures to all of the guys.

"I only saw him kissing her. I don't think much else happened Mr. and Mrs. Winston," Noah says.

"I was raped," I say staring down at the table. That's when it goes quiet and this eerie feeling hangs overhead.

"What?" my dad says.

I look up at them. "He raped me. I know he did. I felt it. I screamed. I can barely feel anything anymore. Dennis Sutton raped me. No hesitation or guilt was in his eyes. Even after Noah beat the shot out of him. He looked...i don't know. Satisfied? Glorified? Happy even. I just know that I lost my virginity. I don't feel safe. I don't know if I ever will. I'll talk to the police tomorrow but I want Noah and Lydia and Tonya to stay here until I feel safe enough to be on my own. I can't talk about this anymore. I just need to shower and get out of these clothes."

"Honey," mom says and looks as if she is about to cry. 

She and dad walk over and hug me. I can barely lift my arms to hug the back but I can't. I walk upstairs and I hear everyone say they'll be up in a minute. I take off my clothes and throw them all in the trash. I get in the shower and wash all the makeup off of my face and wash my body what seems like forever. I still feel dirty afterward. I still feel him. I wish I didn't but I do. i get out of the shower and wrap the towel around my body. I change into clean clothes and throw my hair into a ponytail. I walk out and see that Lydia, Tonya, Sanders, Ricky, Derek, and the twins are all on my bedroom floor in seeping bags.

"What are you doing?" I aksk in a quiet voice.

"We're going to be here for you," Noah says fitting his hand into mine. "Everytime you feel a little safer, one of us goes back to our own rooms. But that's for you to tell."

"Thank you," I whisper.

Noah and I sleep in my bed and everyone falls asleep eventually.

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