chapter twelve: you are my acquaintance that i make out with

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I've been sneaking around with Noah for about two weeks now. It started right around the time I dumped Jax. He's been out to get me since then. First of all the way I did it was pretty rude. It was in front of everyone. I told him it wasn't working and I wasn't going to be lead on by some fuckboy. Needless to say, he was super pissed at me and punched Noah in the face as if he hasn't had enough pain come from Jax.

I'm not sure why Noah and I feel the need to hide whatever it is we're hiding. Maybe he doesn't want to tell his parents. Maybe I don't want to tell mine. Maybe we don't want anyone to know really. It's nice. We can hang out at school. We can't do things we usually do whenever we go somewhere but that's whatever.

"My mom wants to meet you," Noah says as I'm laying in his lap while he plays with my hair.

I sit up and turn to look at him. "She wants to meet me? How does she even know about me?"

"Well, I have to tell my mom I'm going somewhere so I just say I'm hanging out with a girl which in case you haven't noticed, isn't normal," he says and gives a half laugh.

He wants me to meet his mom? I don't even know if whatever the heck we are would classify as me being able to meet his mother.

"Noah," I say looking down at the grass and pulling out strands of it.

"Yeah, Red?" he asks and kisses my cheek.

"What are we?" I ask in a small voice. I doubt he even hears me.

"I was hoping you were like my acquaintance that I just happen to make out with every now and then. Maybe even hook up," he jokes and smirks at me.

"Stop!" I yell and shove his chest. "I'm being serious."

"Okay, fine. Here's a better question, what do you want us to be?" he asks leaning his face closer to me.

I smile and bite my lip. "I'd love it if I were your girlfriend."

"I'd love it too," he whispers just millimeters away from my lips. "But we shouldn't."

He moves back and leans on his elbows gazing at me.

Of course, he just wants to use me and leave like it's nothing. It was fun while it lasted. I feel used. pointless. To think I was really starting to like him.

"Um, yeah. I get it. Listen, you should get home before my mom thinks I'm--"

"Lynn," he says smiling.

"What?" I snap.

"I want to take you on a date first, idiot."

Geez, I'm so stupid.

"I thought your ass was just going to toss me aside like nothing. I was going to kill you," I tell him standing up and pulling him with me.

"You think that low of me?" he asks me pulling me closer.

I quickly kiss him. "Little bit, yeah."

We're quiet for a little bit. We just stare up at the cloud filled sky with no worries or expectations.

"I think we should at least tell our parents," Noah says running his fingers through my hair.

"You think so?"

He nods. "Yeah, I mean your mom already knows I'm here basically every night and when I'm not here you're either out with me or on the phone with me. She's not blind and I think people are starting to think something is up."

"We'll we can just tell my mom we're dating and my dad--"

"No, I want to do it how it used to be done," Noah says cutting me off mid sentence.

I sit up and furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

He smiles and drops his head before looking back up at me. "I mean, ask your parents for permission first. My mom would always tell me how nice my dad was to her and asked her dad every time he would want to take her somewhere. Things just aren't like that anymore."

I smile and put my hand on his cheek, stroking my thumb back and forth. "You're cute. I hope you know that."

"Probably not as stunning as you were yeterday," he says and nudges my knee with his.

I thin about how I looked yesterday. Let's say I was hideous? "I was wearing sweats and no makeup."

"Yeah, and it was sexy as hell."

I look at him and grin shaking my head. "Dork."

"Yeah, your dork," he corrects and wraps his arms around me and pulling me into his chest.


"So I should tell you guys something," I say quietly.

Faith stops searching through my closet and Lydia and Tonya stop talking. They face me and Faith looks the most concerned.

"what happened?" Lydia asks.

"are you in trouble?" Tony asks.

"Is it illegal?" Faith asks.

"Guys, calm down," I say. "It's just something I should tell you guys."

"Well, what is it?" Lydia asks me.

I take a breath and smile which sends them an ease as their shoulders relax and they calm down. "Noah and I have been hanging out a lot recently whihc is why I haven't been around a lot lately."

"Let me stop you right there," Tonya says holding her hand up. "If you are going to say he asked you out, we already knew."

I gape at them. "Um, how?"

"Girl, I have never seen you so love struck in my life," Faith says laughing and walking over to sit next to me. "It was obvious it was Noah too. You would always give him this sideways glance in class or at lunch and smile like an idiot."

I smile and look down at my lap.

"As long as he makes you happy, we're fine with it," Lydia says.

"And it's pretty obvious that he does," Tonya says and we laugh.

There's a knock on my door and I look up and see Derek standing there. "Noah is here to pick you up."

I look at him confused. "But it's the festival and Faith and Tonya and Lydia are here. He knows I'm meeting him there."

"Well he just asked not only mom and dad but me, Ricky, Lucas and Sanders if he could take you out on a date. Like dad used to do for mom," Derek says to me and I can hear the girls gushing.'

I laugh and shake my head.

"He's a good guy, Jackie. Go out with him," Derek says and winks at me. "Oh, and dress in something nice. He's in a suit and everything."

With that, Derek leaves the room. Noah Reed... who would have guessed it, am I right. Don't get me wrong. The boy still does ridiculously irritating things and it drives me insane but he makes me happy.

"He asked your parents for permission before taking you out on a date?" Faith asks.

"That's adorable," Tonya says smiling.

"He's going old school and that's super gentlman of him," Lydia says.

"Yeah...oh crap! I'm not even ready! What am I supposed to wear?" I yell.

"Calm down. We got this don't worry," Faith says and lifts me up and sits me in front of my vanity.

And let me tell you my friends are godesses when it comes to fashion. I mean it's the most perfect outfit and makup and hair. the dress is a white lace high low dress. It's gorgeous. My hair is in soft waves and my makeup is natural.

"Thank you, guy," I say and hug them.

"You're welcome. Now go get your man," Lydia says and nudges me and I smile.

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