chapter ten: this is what is throwing my whole theory off

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I walk into practice after Noah dropped me off. He forced me into him picking me up because even though he can't play football, he is still going to go to every practice. Our practices run at the same time since they are varsity sports. 

I see faith and Lydia talking since they're here early also. I jog over to them and sit down at their feet to switch my shoes and put on my knee pads.

"Hey, was that Noah you just came here with?" Faith asks me.

I nod and look up at her. 

"You mean the guy she's secretly in love with?" Lydia jokes and I slap her thigh.

"Are you really?" Faith asks.

"Shut up, no. I'm dating Jaxon. Noah is just a friend. Plus, Ricky is using my car lately for this magical job he suddenly has. My mom really likes Noah for some really odd reason so she asked him if he could drive me since I have no car anymore," I explain.

After my mom had that outbreak in the morning at Ricky, he immediately found a job. He has enough college credits to work for dad's car company so that's exactly what he's been doing. He's an amazing artist but hates showing it. Dad has him design a car with a crew and it is starting to look phenomenal. My mom thinks Ricky is better outside of the house than inside our house. Or some girls dorm room, I should say.

"And how does Jaxon feel about this?" Faith asks me with a smirk as I finish tying my laces.

I stand up and look at them both. "I do not like Noah like that. Jaxon knows me well enough that I will stay loyal to him."

"OKay, okay. Whatever I get it," Lydia says.

"So anyway, how is the Fall Festival coming along?" Faith asks me.

Oh, the Fall Festival. This is probably my favorite event that I get to plan. As Student Council President and Tonya as Junior Class Rep., we have been hosting the best Fall Festival for two years running. The Fall Festival is technically a fundraiser for Habitats for Humanity. Most people overlook that fact but it doesn't matter because with or without the publicity the foundation makes tons of money off of us.

Every year, Student Council is in charge of seven major events a year: homecoming, The Fall Fest, the winter ball, the valograms/valentines day dance, spring fling, end of the year bash and prom. The Fall Fest is my favorite. We have local bakeries make tons and tons of pies and pastries and have them donated to the school for us to sell at a bake sale stand. There's also a company that gives us half price for renting out like twenty-five different rides. There's also games of course that are run by students who pitch idea to us. Then of course there's a band and amazing food. We always have it and every year it is an amazing time. PLanning this year has been stressful because the freshman reps think they have all the authority but it's completely fine.

"It's going to be absolutely amazing. There are more ride than last year. The games are better. I'm thinking this is going to be our best year yet," I say.

"I love how much you throw yourself into this Fest," Fait tell me. "I'm just excited to go."

"Two more weeks and you can," I tell her.

"Girls!" Coach yells over to us."What are you doing sitting around? We have a tournament this weekend that I fully intend on winning so let's get moving."


I walk out of the girls' locker room and head for the door and run into someone. I look up and see it's Jax and smile.

"Hey, stranger," I say and grin before planting a kiss on his lips.

"Hey, beautiful," he coos and kisses me again. "Do you want me to take you home? I didn't see your car out there."

"That's okay. My mom has Noah roped into taking me places like he's my chauffeur or something.

I see his jaw clench and I put a hand on his arm. "Hey, calm down. Nothing is going on between us. I swear to you, okay? He's just giving me a ride."

"I don't trust him, Lynnie."

"Well, I do. You should too. Move on from homecoming. I have. It's not like it was my last one," I say casually.

"Yeah, but I graduate this year. I doubt you want a college boyfriend going to your homecoming next year.

I smile at him. He basically implied that we're going to be together for a while.

"What?" he asks me puzzled.

"You said next year," I say.

He nods. ""

"You think we're going to be together next year?" I ask him.

"I mean, yeah, I hope so at least. I really like you, Lynn. You know that. I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to be with you," he says to me.

"I am so incredibly lucky to have you," I say and kiss his cheek.

"Winston!" I hear Noah yell and I groan leaning my forehead on Jax's chest.

"I have to go," I mumble.

He rubs my back and kisses the top of my head. "I kind of figured. Be safe, J. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye," I say quickly and kiss him before sauntering over to Noah who thankfully brought his car today.

"Seriously? Not even like thirty more seconds?" I ask him annoyed as I get into the car and throw my bag in the backseat.

"Nope, definitely not," he says amused.

"I was talking to my boyfriend."

"And that looked like a very adorable conversation you two were having, but I don't care," he says and I huff folding my arms across my chest.

I realize we're not going the way we always go when he takes me home. "Where are we going?"

"I want ice cream," he says with a shrug.

"What is I don't?" I ask him.

"Yeah, okay. Jaclynn Winston does not want ice cream. You asked me every single day after practice if we could get ice cream and every time I said no it turned into you ranting about how I have no respect for ice cream and it's served purpose." he reminds me.

"That means nothing," I say looking out the window, secretly happy he's getting me ice cream.

"Right, okay." he says and rolls his eyes.

I look at his profile.

i have this conspiracy theory. A very outrageous conspiracy theory, but it's a theory. My theory is that Noah is the guys from the ball and I just keep convincing myself he isn't. There is no way this arrogant boy and that charming boy could possibly be the same person. It's just ridiculous. 

I mean thinking back to that night, that boy was sweet. He was funny and he cared about me even though he barely knew who I was. He almost kissed me but I moved too quickly. I wanted him to kiss me. I really did but I knew if I did I would get too attached and never see him again. That seems pretty pointless if you ask me. He was too perfect for me. 

So if you compare him to Noah, they are polar opposites. Noah was so damn rude to me when I met him. He thinks I'm annoying. He's rude to basically everyone. My tolerance for him has shrunk from enough to close to none. He's being more and more annoying every single day. I can't stand it. He's acting so weird too.

This is what is throwing my theory off completely.

But it's little things that make me think my theory is correct. The way he calls me Red sounds exactly like the way the boy from the ball does. Plus his laugh sounds the same and their smiles are practically mirrored. Maybe I'm overthinking all of this.


"Sorry, what?" I mutter and face Noah.

"I've said your name like seven times, are you okay?" Noah asks me.

"I uh...yeah. I'm good. I'm perfect, let's just go."

I get out of the car and into the ice cream place.

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