Chapter two

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Hawkkit stayed frozen in fear, until he managed to rise to his paws. He took a deep breath and puffed out his ches a little.

"I'm Hawkkit." He mewed.
The gray Tom in the front made a small snort of laughter.

"You're a clan cat?" He mewed.

"Well.. I was.." Hawkkit mewed quietly.
The Tom flicked his ear. Hawkkit suddenly felt what little confidence he had disappear like a mouse in leaf-bare.

"Hawkkit, why are you here?" A white and golden tabby she-cat stepped forward.

"Uh.. I don't really know.." He mewed looking around.

"Better find out soon, it would be a shame if somethin bad were to happen." The gray Tom meowed.
Hawkkit gulped as the Tom stepped forward.

"That's enough, Stone." A stern voice mewed.
From the bushes emerged a white she-cat, her pelt littered with scars and scratches. Her blue eyes landed on Hawkkit. "No need to terrorize the poor kit. In fact, maybe we should take him with us."

"With us?" Stone echoed.

"That is what I said." She replied.
She flicked her tail to silence him. And gave him a look as if to say something. "Come Hawkkit. You can stay with us tonight. And tomorrow, your fate will be decided."

When the sun began to rise, Hawkkit's eyes stayed shut. He prayed to Starclan that the events of last night had just been a weird dream. After a moment of fighting with himself, he forced his eyes open. Nope. Not a dream. He was in a different den. A much smaller one. He looked around, seeing a black and white she-cat, her belly was very large.
She must be expecting kits. Hawkkit thought.
He suddenly realized he was pressed against another queen. He looked up and saw a pale tan she-cat, with barley visible spots and stripes of darker fur. His movement must of woken her, as her eyes fluttered open, revealing two amber orbs.

"Hello, good to see you're awake." She mewed softly. "You fell asleep while walking. Didn't even make it after two steps." She smiled.

"Where am I? And who are you?" Hawkkit mewed.

"You're in our camp. We are a rouge group,"
"And I am Tilly, over there is Faith. She's expecting her first litter."
Called it
"Behind me is Rose. She already has two kits."

"Hi!" Hawkkit nearly jumped out of his fur at the voice beside him.
He turned to see a small calico tortoiseshell she-kit. Her eyes were a yellow-green, and her tail swung side to side in curiosity. "I'm Tawny! I saw you come in last night!" She mewed.
Hawkkit nodded. She smiled at him.
"Do you want to come out? I can show you around!"

"That would be a wonderful idea!" Tilly mewed. She nudged Hawkkit towards Tawny, and smiled at him. Hawkkit slowly followed the she-kit as she wondered out of the den.

"Where you were just at, that's where the kit-mother are. Ya know, the she-cats that are expecting kits, or have them. The kits stay there until they're six moons." Tawny mewed.

"What do they do when they turn six moons old?" Hawkkit mewed.

"They become a beginner." Tawny replied.
She must have seen his confusion, as she continued to explain. "You can become a fighter and hunter. Or, if you want and she accepts you, you can be a healer." Tawny mewed. "The beginners sleep in that covered area over there." Tawny pointed to a shady spot where cats were beginning to stir. A rock covered it, along with branches and bushes.
"And the Fighters and Hunters sleep.. pretty mush where ever. But when it's cold or raining, they sleep in another covered area." Tawny padded forward to another den, as Hawkkit looked around.
"Feather? Peak? Are you here?" Tawny mewed.
A silver she-cat with gray tabby splotches padded from what seemed to be the shadows themselves.

"Yes?" She mewed. She was very tall, and towered over them both. Her soft blue eyes landed on Hawkkit, "ah yes, the newcomer. I take it Tawny didn't leave you alone so now she's become a guide?" She purred in amusement. Tawny playfully glared at her.

"Anyways.. this is... Hey, what is your name?" Tawny mewed.

"Hawkkit." Hawkkit meowed.

"Hawkkit?" Feather asked. She looked closely at him. "You were a clan cat?"
Hawkkit nodded.
"I'm assuming your initiation will be soon?"

"Feather!" A dark brown tabby Tom slipped into the den.

"Yes Peak?" Feather mewed.
Peak looked confusingly at Hawkkit for a split second, and then turned to Feather.

"Sky would like to speak to you." He mewed.
Feather dipped her head to Tawny and Hawkkit, and followed Peak out.

"Hey, Hawkkit, I like you. I'm gonna call you Thunder Paws." Tawny mewed suddenly.
Hawkkit cocked his head to the side,

"You're gonna call me what now?" He mewed.

"Thunder Paws." She stated.


Tawny shrugged.
"Sounds cool I guess. Hey! Let's go exploring!"

"Where?" Hawkkit asked.

"Just follow me!"

(A/N: I'm sick n diein y'all)

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