Chapter sixteen

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Sagepaw watched her brother step up to meet his leader half way. It was his dream to become a warrior, she knew this, and this place had fulfilled it. They made him into a warrior, in a way.

"Hawk, you've had many difficulties in your kithood, but you overcame them. We honor you for that. Starclan honors you for that. We welcome you as a full Hunter and Fighter." Sky rested her chin on his head. The cats around him cheered, especially Tawny. Her voice seemed to ring above the others. Swallow padded up to him as Sky broke away. She mewed something to Hawk Sagepaw couldn't hear. But whatever it was, it brought a smile to his face and he nodded. Sagepaw felt fur brush against her, and turned to see the tom he had learned as Peak. His dark brown fur shone in the moonlight.
"You must be Sagepaw, Hawk's sister." He mewed to her.

"Yes, I'm his sister. Unless he does something mouse-brained, in which case I have no idea who he is."

Peak chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "Why have you not changed your name?" He asked suddenly. "You're staying here, right?"

Sagepaw shrugged. "It's just... I grew up in Shadowclan! I was learning their moves, the warrior code, what prey was best. I was even beginning to get used to the soggy ground! I know that I still love it there... it's my home."

"You mean you love what it used to be. Not what it is now." He meowed, leaning closer slightly.

The she-cat shrugged once again. "I suppose."

"Peak! Come here, Sweets and Night have a belly ache." Feather called from behind them.

Peak nodded to Sagepaw. "See ya around." Sagepaw murmured a goodbye as he trotted away to help the kits.

She heard paw steps and looked up to see Hawk bounding towards her."I'm officially a Hunter and Fighter now!" he grinned. Sagepaw purred and nuzzled him.

"Congratulations! You should really get Sky to shorten that name a bit though." Hawk smiled at her and shrugged.

"Hawk, Sagepaw, come with me." Sky meowed as she passed them. The two cats agreed, following the white she-cat to her rock. Sky gracefully jumped onto the jagged edges. Sagepaw and Hawk scrambled up behind her.

"What is it Sky?" Hawk mewed curiously. His yellow and blue eyes watched Sky's scarred face.

"Me and Talon thought about it." She started. Her eyes returned Hawk's intense stare. "Shadowclan has been slowly invading our territory for moons. The River Runners included. It's time we show them we belong here." Her tail swept the ground as she tucked it neatly over her paws.

Sagepaw smiled. "I have a plan."


"Gather round friends!" Sky's call could be heard from far away. Cats trotted to where their leader sat. "It's no secret that Shadowclan has been pushing us away from our home, and tearing apart our families." Murmurs of agreement and disgust were heard. "I believe it's time we take back what's ours! Take vengeance for those we've lost! Are we going to let them beat us around like prey? Or are we going to take charge of own lives!" yowls broke out from the gathered rouges.

"We aren't going to be pushed around any longer!" Talon hollered.

"We will show them what were made of!" Puddles shrieked into the air.

Hawk glanced at Sagepaw, who was already starring at him.

This was where they would get their revenge.

(Sorry for any mistakes! Tell me what you thought! I love to hear your feedback 💗💗)

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