Chapter four

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"Why didn't you tell me I had to fight a random giant!" Hawk exclaimed as he flopped down next to Tawny.

"Thought it might've scared you off or something." Tawny shrugged.
Hawk glared at her for a spit second, before a brown and orange Tom skidded to a halt in front of Tawny.

"There you are! I was looking everywhere for you!" He huffed.

"Well, I'm here." Tawny mewed. "Oh! I made you a nest! It's right here- see." Tawny prodded a small nest made of moss and leaves. It looked like Hawk's, but his had feathers in them.
The Tom nodded, walking up to curl in the nest. "That's my brother, Minnow." Tawny leaned over and mewed. Hawk nodded.

"We should get some sleep." Hawk mewed.

"Or.. we could explore..?" Tawny mewed.
Hawk gave her a tired glare.

She simply shrugged. "You can't blame me for trying."

Hawk snorted as Tawny flashed him a goofy grin.



Tawny pounced on Hawk, causing him to groan.

This only caused Tawny shake him more. "C'mon lazy bone! Maybe that what I should call you instead of Thunder Paws!" Tawny mewed. "But seriously, get up! We're going hunting!"

Hawk groggily opened his eyes, and saw Tawny not-so-patiently waiting. He rose to his paws and stretched largely. He shook his pelt of a leaf, and trotted forward.

"Who are you?"
Hawk turned to see a brown, tan, and white spotted she-cat, with a red colored tail standing beside Stone.

"This is Hawk, Red." Tawny said through gritted teeth.

"Oh! Right, the former clan kitty." Red mewed. "There's so much fuss over you! You have potential. Such a pity you're hanging out with her." Red flicked her tail to Tawny.

Tawny's tail lashed a quick moment. She snorted in disgust.

"Alright guys, let's focus on hunting right now." Stone meowed.

"Yeah, we don't need anyone's ears and tails ripped off!" A golden she-cat mewed. Her name was Moth, she was Tawny's mentor. She was a normally calm, and was the nicest next to Sky when he was found in the forest.

"Let's go, there's prey to be caught!" Sky meowed. Hawk jumped, since she literally appeared out of nowhere. She smiled in amusement at him, and trotted forward. "Everyone is to hunt with their mentors today."



Hawk lowered to the ground, a small vole in sight. He wiggles his haunches, and sprang forward. Unfortunately, he wasn't as graceful as he intended, and clambered through the The undergrowth. The vole obviously heard the ruckus, and scampered off.
Hawk pawed at the ground with his right forepaw.

"You'll get the next one. That is, if you don't cause the world to shake from all your ruckus." Sky purred in amusement.

Hawk flattened his ears a bit in a embarrassed manner. "Maybe if you taught me something, I wouldn't be so awful.." He mumbled.

"I am teaching you something. And that's patience." She mewed. "Come."

She sprang forward, and Hawk scrambled after her. Her white pelt was seen among the brambles and ivy. Hawk had a hard time keeping up with the Snow white she-cat. She came to a sudden halt, and Hawk's paws skidded against the earth to stop. Panting heavily, he walked to sit beside Sky. Her icy eyes watched the leaves in the trees swing back and forth in a peaceful manner. Hawk's eyes flickered from her the greenery that was all around him.
She flicked her slim tail to the left, and in a flash, brown and white mixed. Sky must have moved in under a heartbeat, and held mouse between her jaws, before it let out a pitiful squeak.

"Patient, and speed. Some of the most important things to teach." Sky mewed, though it was muffled do to the mouse in her mouth.
Hawk nodded, in too much shock to speak.

Sky dropped the mouse, and it landed with small pat sound. She licked her forepaw and dragged over her ears.

"Come on, I can teach you how to hunt." Sky buried her mouse, and walked past Hawk.

This was going to be both fun, and interesting. And probably anywhere between stressful, and painful.

(A/N: hiya guys! Hope you enjoyed, and I just want to say if you are reading my main series, which doesn't really have a name.. Anywho, the 3rd book will be published tomorrow(5/23/18) at 12 pm! Love y'all & sorry for any mistakes!)

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