Chapter twenty two

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Feather's silver coat was stained with green and yellow pigments. There seemed to be more herbs in her fur then in the small bundles of leaves.

She mumbled quietly to herself as she rummaged through the leaves on the ground. "Let's see.. we need more yarrow that's for sure.. and maybe some thyme.. maybe I can ask Mint for some.." her ears flicked as the sound of paw-steps rustled.
Feather's eyes met Mint's frightened bright green ones.

Feather stopped her searching and looked up worriedly at her friend. "Mint, what's wrong?"

Mint was visibly shaking. "W-W-W-"
Feather could smell the fear practically melting off of her. Mint gritted her teeth, angry at her stutter. "W-We're all in d-danger!"

"What? What kind of danger?" Feather abandoned the herbs to support the small tan healer. She felt much skinnier since their last meeting. Her ribs nearly poked out. "Mint, haven't you been eating?"

"No time.." she replied. "T-There's death omens.. e-e-everywhere! I can't get away! A-And the dreams! The prophecies! I-I just I.." tears flowed freely from the tan she-cat's eyes. "Feather, How is Hawk?"

Feather blinked. "Hawk? He's fine, I suppose."

Mint leaned close to the Healer. "You must protect him Feather. He is our future. Without him, I fear we will all be lost." Mint's eyes closed slowly.

"Mint? Mint!" Feather hissed under her breath. "Fox dung!" She grasped the smaller she-cat's scruff in her teeth, and hauled her backwards to a rock.

Feather shimmied Mint onto her back, balancing her carefully.

Come on Feather, you've done this countless times..

Feather stalked slowly past her own border. The smells of her friends faded immediately, and she was in nearly unknown territory. She looked to her right and left, debating on which way to go.
It was much more overgrown since her last visit with The River Runners, and it stunk of fish and frogs. Feather shuddered at the thought of eating such fowl smelling things.

"Feather? Is that you?" The familiar, warm voice of Stream whirled in her head. Her silver tabby pelt emerged from the undergrowth.

"Yes." She replied quickly. "How did you know?"

Stream shook her fur of water. "You carry a different smell then the rest of us. But you also carry one I will never forget." Stream's eyes matched Mint's almost perfectly. They held Feather's gaze, before the Healer broke it.

"She needs help." Feather mewed, her voice raspy for some reason. Stream's eyes widened at Mint's frail body.

"We need to get her to Jay."

"Who's Jay?"

"Oh, she didn't tell you?" Stream blinked at the she-cat. "Mint took on a apprentice. He was Song's only kit that survived." Feather nodded, unsure of how to reply to her.

"Well. Let's go." Feather mewed.


"So you haven't had any prophecies about this.. Hawk?" Stream mewed.

Feather shook her head. Turning her blue eyes to the ground. "No.. I mean, I knew there was something special about him from the day Sky carried him in.. but I didn't think he would be out future! I mean he's basically just a kit! He still struggles landing on his paws properly!"

"They have to grow up as some point, Feather." Stream smiled softly at her. Feather shuffled her paws, avoiding looking in her direction.

"Not if it means danger for him.." she mumbled quietly.

"I know what it feels like to see a kit you cherished for a long, long time grow and begin to face the dangers of the world," Stream mewed gently, as if she was speaking to a confused and violent kit. "But they just can't stay that way forever. I know you want to protect him, but you'll only damage him if you try."

Feather glanced up at her and nodded. "I'll try.."

"You'll do great, I know you will." Stream stood to press her head to Feather's cheek. She licked her between the ears and smiled at her. "Be the cat you were destined to be.. and know I'll always love you, Feather."

"I love you too, Mom."

What's your opinion on Feather?💘

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