Chapter nineteen

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Hawk shivered as he stretched. The air was beginning to cool as leaf-fall was approaching. Hawk fluffed out his fur.

"Hawk! Hawk!" Bee and Red bounded over quickly.

"What?" The dark tabby asked while yawning.

"Red is expecting kits!" Hawk choked on his yawn.

"Eh?!" They had only just become Fighters & Hunters!

"Isn't it exciting!" Red grinned. The she-cat hasn't always been the nicest, but she had her moments.

Hawk only managed a nod. Bee and Red smiled at him, before catching sight of Storm and running towards him.
When the two left, Hawk made his way over to the Prey Pile. He picked out a small shrew and padded underneath a tree.

"Can I have some?" Swallow asked from beside him. Her now fully green eyes stared at him. Hawk nodded, pushing her the shrew. He wasn't that hungry anyways.

"Thanks!" She mewed, and leaned down to take a bite. "Hey, guess what!"

"Hmm?" Hawk hummed.

"We're going to become Beginners today!" Swallows eyes shinned. "I can't wait!"

Hawk smiled, and a alarming thought went through his head. If there was a battle between Shadowclan and The Forgotten, would she have to fight in it?

No. She would only be a Beginner.

"Who do you think Sky will choose?" Swallow asked with a mouth full of prey.

Hawk shrugged. "Maybe Heart. Or Leap."

"I can't wait!" She meowed, flicking her tail excitedly.


Bramble shook the dirt from his pelt he stood. Talon smiled at the young Tom.
Rose quickly rushed forward to lick Bramble's dirty pelt. He embarrassingly shrugged her off, and looked up at Sky.

"You have fought well, your mother would be proud." She trotted forward to the Tom. "Leap, you will train Bramble. I expect you to pass on your fighting skills and patience."

Leap stepped up to his new Beginner, and touched his nose to his head.

Sky flicked her tail. "Swallow. Your turn." The smaller she-cat stood up.

Tawny leaned against her. "You've got this. I know you can do it." She whispered.

Swallow puffed out her chest, and made her way to where the Heir sat waiting.
Despite her eyes shining with fear, she remained calm and in a fighting stance.

"Ready.. fight!"  Sky yowled. Swallow flung herself at Talon, taking the Tom by surprise.
She used her small size to her advantage, weaving around and under the Heir. She batted at his hind legs and at his ears. Talon swung at her. Swallow attempted to move but was swatted in the face.
Hawk could feel Tawny tense beside him.
Swallow quickly regained her footing, and shimmied underneath him as he lunged for her. When he landed, she jumped on top of him. She continually batted at his ears until he rolled over. Swallow, expecting this, jumped off the second he began to roll. The small she-cat pounced on his exposed stomach, knocking the wind out of him in the process. She put her paw at his throat and weighed him down as much as she could. The cats started their counting.






Swallow leaped off of the Tom, turning to smile at him. Talon returned the smile.

"You fought well, Swallow. I know your mother, Tawny, and Hawk are proud of you." Sky meowed. "Storm, as your first Beginner, I give you Swallow. Teach her well."

Storm made his way to the young she-cat and touched his nose to her small forehead. As the two retreated back into the crowd, Sky gazed down at the cats.

"That is all we have to share today. You may return to yo-"

"Hawk!" The shrill meow made Hawk swing his head around. A bloody Sagepaw came into view. Tawny gasped from beside him. Peak quickly made his way to the injured she-cat, Hawk and Tawny not far behind.
"Th-They k-k-know, Hawk.." she croaked. Sagepaw's legs gave out from underneath her. "I'm sorry.."

"No no no no, it's okay. There's no need to be sorry." Hawk meowed, pressing his muzzle to her cheek.

"They're coming.. Glowstar... she's coming.."

Sky's eyes narrowed. "This ends now." She declared. "Hawk, Rose, Talon, Bee, come with me."  She glanced sharply at them. "And be prepared."

Hawk stepped forward, when Tawny stopped him. She pressed her forehead to his. He could see and feel the tears streaming down her face. "Promise me you'll be careful.." she choked out. "Promise me you'll come back.."

Hawk blinked at her as she pulled back. "I can't promise that, Tawny." Her stance faltered. "But I'll try. I'll try to make it back."

She nodded sadly. "I'll be waiting. I'll watch over Sagepaw and Swallow." Hawk mewed a thanks as Talon came to collect him.

(Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!💗💗)

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