Chapter twenty one

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"He'll heal, but it will take time."

"How much?"

Feather glanced at the elderly Tom. "To early to tell. I would suggest assigning a temporary Heir." Sky dipped her head, then turned to where Tawny was grooming Hawk. Swallow and Sagepaw laid beside him as well.

"How you are doing?" The white she-cat asked.

Hawk shrugged. "I've been better." Sky's ears sagged a bit.

"Now, as much as I respect you, my patients need rest." Feather mewed to Sky. The Healer nudged Swallow and Tawny out.

"Hawk," Sagepaw began. "I'm sorry the plan didn't go as, ya know, planned."

Hawk shook his head. "It wasn't your fault." Sagepaw averted her eyes. He glanced at the wound the went from her ear to her eye. It was still bleeding at the end. He wiped the drop of blood with his tail.

Her eyes turned back to his. "You should sleep." She mewed. She laid her tail over his back, and rested her head on her paws. Hawk copied her movements. He felt sleep begin to take over his body, and he only just realized how exhausted he was.


Hawk opened his eyes. The world around him was different. Alarmed, Hawk shot to his feet quickly. His eyes scanned where he was. It was completely unfamiliar. Panic began to set in, making his legs shake. Something moved out of the corner of his eye. It was a someone, however. The pelt was familiar as it stepped out from behind a bush.

"About time." The black and white she-cat mewed. Faith's tail curled.
Realization finally hit Hawk.

"I'm dreaming, aren't I?"

"Obviously. I'm dead out there." Faith scrunched her nose, something she often did when Hawk saw her.

"So, what am I doing here? Where is here?" Hawk asked as he sat down. The grass beneath him was soft. Really soft. And it seemed to carry a small shimmer in it's dark green blades. "Is this Starclan?"

Faith nodded her small head. "Yes. And I'm here to give you a message." She flicked her tail and leaned close to him. Her green eyes narrowed. "The star must burn before there will be peace."

Hawk blinked at her. "What does that mean?"

"You'll see soon." She flicked her tail. She turned away. There was a playful twinkle in her already sparkly eyes. "Or, you could pester Feather about it."


Hawk's eyes fluttered open, the sun seemed to be beating through less this morning. Sagepaw was still beside him, just like how they fell asleep. The words from his dream suddenly hit him at full speed.

The star must burn before there will be peace.

What in Starclan's name could that mean? Surely Feather would know, right?
Hawk slowly raised to his paws, carful not to wake Sagepaw. Feather wasn't in the den, and neither was Peak.

Of course they aren't here when I need them. . .

Hawk glanced in Talon's direction. He cringed a bit. Talon lay sprawled out, and his neck forcefully stiffened from being rapped. His normal scent was almost gone from all of the herbs that covered his body.
Hawk sniffed his own pelt to find he too was beginning to lose his scent. He shook his pelt, and turned to the entrance. He tilted his head. On the entrance was vines of ivy.

Feather or Peak must've put it up

He pushed past the vines gently, in fear of knocking them down. When he reached the outside was when the sun stung his eyes. He blinked away the pain, and let them focus on the world around him.

He noticed Puddles and Tilly sitting beside each other on one side of the camp, on the other side was Sky talking to Rose.

"Oh thank Starclan you're okay!" Tawny's cheerful meow came from his left. She hurriedly made her way to him. Her head pressed against his shoulder. Hawk pressed his head against her cheek.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Hawk mumbled. Tawny pulled back and smiled at him. "Hey, have you seen Feather?"

Tawny nodded. "She went out earlier, but Peak is in the nursery with Red."

Hawk nodded. "Thanks." Hawk padded to the small den on the far side of the camp. He poked his head inside.

"Any pains over here?" Peak asked as he gestured to her lower belly.

Red shook her head. She then realized Hawk was there, and gave him a greeting. Peak turned to him.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Yeah, can you follow me?"

Peak nodded. He said something to Red and followed Hawk outside.

"What do you need, Hawk?"

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