Chapter ten

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Hawk's eyes snapped open.

Sagekit! She's okay!

Hawk hadn't felt so happy in along time. but, how had he seen her? that wasn't a dream. it was too real. He felt as if he was there.

"Hawk! Are you coming or am I going to have to drag you?" Tawny's voice rang loudly in his ears. He jumped. bringing his head straight up immediately. Tawny stared at him with bright eyes. "Oh good, you're up." her voice was laced with amusement. "We're going hunting today. Tilly said she would watch Swallow." the small she-cat informed him.

Bee chuckle lightly. "Bossy, ain't she?"  He mewed as she trotted away. Hawk stretched and nodded. he padded to where Leap, Moth and Tawny sat waiting on him.

"We're hunting chickens today." Leap meowed as Hawk neared.

 The tabby tom flicked his ear. "What's a 'chicken'?"

"Twolegs keep them. but only the ones who live on a Ranch." Moth replied.

"What's a ranch?"

Tawny flicked him with the tip of her tail. "You always seem to have questions, don't you?" she purred in amusement.

If only you knew!

"A Ranch is a place where a large piece of territory belongs to the Twolegs. they normally have many different animals. that's where Tilly came from."

"Oh, so it's a Horseplace?" Hawk mewed. he had heard of them from the elders.

"I suppose." Moth shrugged.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Tawny leaped forward, excitement powering her jump and speed.

As Hawk went to join her, Moth put her tail in front of him. "I must warn you," she meowed seriously. "You must be careful of the Thunder-Fire."

 "Why? What is it?"

"Twolegs carry it. It looks to be made of wood and silver. It's loud and painful if it gets you. it can have incredibly good aim, so always stay moving. It lessens the chance of getting hit." Hawk nodded. He attempted to push away the fear that seemed to grip him.

"Let's go." Leap mewed.

A strong scent of Twolegs hit Hawk.

Must be close now.

"See that?" Leap mewed to Hawk. "That what Twolegs call a 'barn'. They keep their animals in there."

"The chickens are normally kept in this thing called a Chicken Coop. But during the day the Twolegs let them out. I don't know why." Moth shrugged.  Hawk felt his paws tingling with excitement. Beside him Tawny fidgeted. it was clear that she too was excited, but had a harder time containing it.
Leap crept forward, his belly fur just barely skimming the grass. Mother followed, Tawny and Hawk close behind the she-cat. Hawk crinkled his the stance of the Twolegs.

"Come here!" Moth hissed suddenly. Hawk lightly bounded over to her, not as graceful as Tawny, but good enough. "I see a chicken." She whispered.
Hawk's mitch matched eyes landed on a large, white bird. It had to be the biggest bird Hawk had ever seen! He had to stop himself from drooling. 

"There aren't any Twolegs around." Tawny mewed. Moth flicked her tail. "Let's go." She meowed, slinking our of their hiding spot. Leap, Tawny and Hawk followed quietly. Hawk could feel his muscles tensing and shaking with excitement. Moth's eyes darted around, making sure no other animals or any Twolegs were wondering about. She flicked her tail to tell them to stop, and she stalked forward. The white chicken pecked at the ground, unknowing to the gilded cat behind it. Moth wriggled her hindquarters, and pushed off, landing perfectly on her prey. The chuckled squawked loudly, flailing its large wings in a attempt to take flight or blind Moth. It struggled and continued to squawk as the others left it behind. The chicken suddenly went limp in the she-cat's mouth. Moth looked up triumphantly.

"Good job, Moth!" Leap called. She smiled at him. But, the moment was cut short as a angry Twoleg came out of its den. The hair alongs Hawk's spine stood on end, as the stench of Twolegs grew stronger.

"Moth! Run!" Hawk yowled. Terror filled Moth's eyes as she scrambled with the chicken in her mouth. She bounded as fast as she could, nearly tripping over its wings. 

She's almost here!

A ear-splitting boom sliced the air. The world seemed to move slowly. Moth fell to the ground stunned. The blood poured out of her belly and side. If she screamed, Hawk didn't hear it. But she wouldn't be able to anymore.

Because Moth was Dead..

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