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Hey guys :) so.. I changed my username :3

It's HarianasDimples :3

Because I FRIKEN SHIP HARIANA! I just want them to happen :(

Also I wanted to say thank you for the votes and sweet comments on my new book :) I really love you all.

You guys make me so happy :)

Okay to be honest I wasn't happy of the result of my first book, My Roommate Is Who?!, because I made too fast forward.. But like I got a lot of votes from it too :)) and I'm super happy.

I'm excited at how much votes and reads my new book is going to get :3

So yeah :) I love you all so much and keep doing what makes you happy :)

I love you!!

- Lexie 💖

Heartbeat // (Hariana / Ariana Grande And Harry Styles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now