Ariana's P.O.V.
I don't even know why Harry likes me. And I just said I think I like him back. Well the question there is if I really do like him. I just can't move on just like that.
I'm not that strong enough and Jason and my own best friend broke me, who the actual fuck would do that? And just for revenge that me and the fucking jerk hooked up, doesn't mean that we're official. What a stupid bitch, to be honest..
I don't know what to do.
And look at me I front of the main gate, doubting to go in the school corridors. Harry's going to be there.. (No shit), anyways.. I'm such a messed up douche. I shouldn't have said something stupid.
As I walked out of the main gate, I looked to my left and saw the curly haired boy with skinny jeans and a plain black shirt with this silver necklace.. I have no idea what to call that. He also had some black converse on and he was looking at the ground with his back leaned against the wall and hands in his pockets.
I wanted to go to him and talk to him and ask why he was all sad.. But I knew it was not the best time to do that.
As I just stood there in the main gate as people passed by me a hand suddenly covered my mouth and dragged me to the back of the hall and entered this dark room.
As the person was still dragging me I kicked the person in the stomach (backwards, duh) and his tight grip have let go of me.
"OUCH! FUCKING-" I immediately noticed the manly voice as I tried my best to find out who's voice is that, but it was actually kinda hard cause I was panicking and in shock at the same time and I was thinking.. So it's multitasking but a lot harder.
I finally found out who the person was.
And it was Jason.
The lights flickered open and I scanned the room.
There was a chair infront of me, Jason lying down near the chair, hugging is stomach and groaning, and a girl behind him.
Of coarse it was no other that the diva lil bitch,
Stephie (of coarse)
"What the actual fuck niggas" I yelled.
"Excuse me?" Steph did this shitty high pitched voice, she sounded like a idiot, she really is one tho.. haha.
"Omg arent you guys gonna leave me alone?" I sighed.
"Im tired of all the shit you guys do to me? Am I doing anything to you guys? NO.. so can you just please.. for once.. leave me the hell alone?" I added.
"We just wanted to talk to you." Steph growled. (guys.. in a annoyed way okay :(( she isnt like doing sexual thing)
"Do you really need to kidnap me and hide me in such a small and dark room?" I asked.
"Will you just shut up and listen. This isn't our plan! Its not working, you should be fucked up.. not going out with Styles." Steph argued.
"What the fuck are you talking about.. Is she serious?" I motioned to Steph, laughing too.
"Im gonna get this straight into your very hard head. One, me and Harry arent together, two I was fucked up, keyword: was, three whatever youre plan is, its not working and never will, so just shut the fuck up, leave me alone and please, goodbye." I rolled my eyes and just walked out the door.
As I was heading towards the maingate exit, someone grabbed my shoulder.
"You wanna grab Starbucks?" A deep voice asked.
I looked to see who it was and of coarse it was Harry.
"Sure.." I smiled.
"And by the way, when were there, can you kindly explain what you were doing in the cfc office, coming out with such a harsh expression on your face?" He laughed as I joined him.
"Haha, sure." I once again smiled.
And I really need to get some coffee, I need the anger out of my system.
~Well yayayayayay!! I finally updated! Woohoo! Ill do the next one tomorrow, and ill update 2-3 chapters to make it up to you guys :)) hehe bye!
~ lexie

Heartbeat // (Hariana / Ariana Grande And Harry Styles Fanfiction)
FanfictionA typical girl named Ariana has been dumped by her own best friend and boyfriend. Now one of the most popular and hottest boy helps her broken heart beat with love once more. Do you think both will fall for each other? Or just stay as friends? Read...